Question about thr 2004 DC

by William Penwell 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Oops this is was posted twice by mistake.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell


    The larger big-city venues lost a lot of money with the conventions: no concession sales, no parking revenue, no tickets for admission. Personally, I think the management just got fed up with the losses and could easily bring in events that would give them the revenue that the WTS conventions do not.

    That is the major reason given as to moving the conventions. You are correct the JW conventions do not bring in enough revenue to the local businesses, so the WT is its own enemy. I recall 30 years ago after one of our big International Convention, the TV coverage was shown the hugh traffic jambs and interviewing the pissed off commuters.The local mayor at the time was interviewed and said it wasn't worth all the head aches as the JW did not bring much revenue to the area. I mean even 30 years ago the "wicked worldly ones" were already seeing it wasn't worth all the trouble.


  • blondie

    I have noticed the trend to go to smaller venues. It has been a shock to some who have been in the convention city for over 20 years to suddenly find themselves having to drive 2 to 4 hours and spending money to stay in hotels. Unfortunately, in this area the hotels are sparse and the parking is dismal. The facilities seem to be newer with better seats. Don't underestimate the money spent at the hotels and restaurants in the evening.

    On the plus side for the brothers there are more opportunities to speak on the platform and to head up departments at the convention.


  • NeonMadman
    You are correct the JW conventions do not bring in enough revenue to the local businesses, so the WT is its own enemy. I recall 30 years ago after one of our big International Convention, the TV coverage was shown the hugh traffic jambs and interviewing the pissed off commuters.The local mayor at the time was interviewed and said it wasn't worth all the head aches as the JW did not bring much revenue to the area.

    What was that line one newspaper used after a JW convention years ago?

    "Jehovah's Witnesses came to town with the ten commandments and a ten dollar bill, and didn't break either one"

    Or something like that...

  • Lehaa

    I love the smaller venues,when I go, so much easier with little kids. Even if you have to drive further it's easier. There are less stairs and the toilets are always closer.

    Only downside is that more people know when you're outside "getting some fresh air"

  • itsallgoodnow

    Yeah, I think they should just stop having them altogether, or at least reduce them to one day. Really, what use are they anyway? Well, I suppose it wouldn't be easy for single dubbies to meet other single dubbies if it wasn't for conventions, but I don't think they really care how easy anything is for anybody anyway.

  • outbutnotdown

    Great topic!!!!

    It brings back a lot of memories and makes me realize a lot of hidden agendas by the WT. At the risk of being accused of being able to find a negative in anything in life, I really do agree with those here who believe that the prominent thought in the decision-making is for the benefit of the WT and not the rankk and file. Just think about all the pics, even inside the KH's, of the HUGE assemblies in New York in the fifties and then the 80,008 people in Montreal in 1978. How the hell did the biggest paper in Montreal find out that there were 80,008 people there for the public talk? They probably didn't have to ask........

    The general idea back then was that BIGGER IS BETTER and they sucked us into it. Now people are not so caught up in that thought and like stated already, it gives a lot more people the ILLUSION that they are important by giving them more roles at the assemblies.

    Another thought......... how much respect does the FDS old fart that runs the show have nowadays? I know, at the 1978 Montreal assembly, my dad would have given his left nut to be able to shake Bro. Franz' hand........ after he gave a talk there....... but would they have the same effect now or would it backfire..... what with the fact that most of the rank and file know..... (although admittedly still in denial) that they are in fact NOT INFALLIBLE. Would they appear too NORMAL to them?

    Thanks for the topic...... certainly helps me put my past JW life into perspective. It was a mountain and now is NOT EVEN a molehill...........


  • Mulan

    They've been having them at the Tacoma Dome in our area for about the last 15 years. It's an hour drive from here, and many make the commute, but a significant number stay in hotels too. We took our RV and parked on site, because we were special.

    Same arrangements this year, but I think there are 4 instead of 3, not because there are more people, but they use less of the seating area. Lots of hotels all around there.

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