Silentlambs Set To Show Never Before Publicly Seen Watchtower Documents!

by allpoweredup 20 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • allpoweredup

    Part of email just sent out from regarding JW elders abetting child molestation at Watchtower direction:

    William H. Bowen addressed the (Denver SNAP) conference on the topic, ?Is it possible JW?s are Far Worse Than main Stream Religion When Dealing with Child Abuse?? Never-before-seen material was presented to show the extent of the problem to gasps from the audience. A general consensus was the audience was shocked to know how JWs handled abuse for all members. A recording of the talk will soon appear at this link ( in about a week as soon as it is uploaded.

    If you need further assistance please contact us at 877-WTABUSE.

  • Undaunted Danny
  • exjdub


    Is there any way to hear it in formats other than Real Player? I have Windows XP and it always blocks the Real Player. It would be great if there was even a patch I could download that would allow me to use Real Player. Thanks.


  • blondie

    The SNAP info is here at the SL site.

    Unfortunately, exjdub, it is still in Realplayer.

    Want the SL Newsletter sent to your e-mail?

  • exjdub


    Thanks to Sirius the problem was solved. Thanks for the links, I will take a look at the newsletter.


  • sf

    Okay, I'm a bit confused here.

    The title of this thread [ Silentlambs Set To Show Never Before Publicly Seen Watchtower Documents! ] indicates the "never before seen documents" ARE WTBTS documents. Yet in the newsletter it states:

    abuse survivors showing several incriminating letters from the Catholic Church showing how abuse was extensively covered up and in some cases altered to prevent the truth from coming out.

    Were these said "never before seen documents" from the Catholic Church or the WTBTS?

    If there are WTBTS "never before seen WATCHTOWER documents" that exist, along with the CC documents, where are they AND why aren't they displayed in the newsletter?

    I would very much like to see ALL of the documents presented at this conference, if/ and or there are two sets of such. OR are there no "never before seen WATCHTOWER documents" that were presented at this conference...only CC church documents?

    And please, I hope, respectfully, I do not have to ask my question twice, as is per at times on this forum.

    Thank you, sKally

  • blondie

    Then, skally, you should send an email to Bill at Silentlambs addressing all those questions. I certainly don't have the answers.

    I get answers quite promptly to my requests.


  • sf


    Thank you for the timely reply.

    Since others were at this conference, I'm sure they viewed these said documents as well.

    I'm just wondering where the documents are and what they actually contain.

    I would think that the documents would be on the net along with all of the other pictures (I see no photo of documents presented) and "aftermath" of the conference. I simply do not see any documents; catholic or watchtower.

    Now it is true that I haven't been to SNAPs site to see if the documents relating to the CC church are up and ready to view. I surely will do so now.

    My inquiry to all who attended, not just Bowen, is simply: Where are the "never before seen Watchtower documents" that were presented at this conference? Surely if you attended, you saw them firsthand.

    Again, thank you for the quick reply.


  • blondie

    Actually, skally, I didn't need to see the documents to believe because I heard what he had to say and I was familiar with all but one the situations. If that is a flaw in me, then so be it. I don't have the documents so can't post them. Just get in touch with Silentlambs.


  • sf


    Please pardon me, I am not meaning my posts to be directed at you specifically. I apologize if I'm sounding as if I am.

    Flaws? I am not even suggesting that here. I'm sorry you are taking my inquiries personally. They are not meant that way.

    You see, in order for me to bring actual proof of anything wt related, I must have that proof to share in yahoo chatrooms. They insist on it. So I do my best in making sure that what I bring in there is factual documentation and not heresay. That's all. Otherwise I'm labeled "an evil, nasty, filthy apostate that makes up all kinds of lies".

    Incidently, when I bring in your "comments you will not hear..." threads, they tell me I'm omitting and embellishing the context. So I refer them here to read it for themselves and then told "we aren't going to apostate sites to read more lies". And so the wheel goes round and round. It's exhaustive work what I do. But I see that it must be done, no matter what they feel and think. Why? Because people there DO READ WHAT I BRING INTO THOSE ROOMS. So thank you for those great threads!

    Thank you for your timely replies again. They are appreciated.

    Sincerely, sKally

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