I motherproof my house...........

by desib77 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • eiu2003


    Would you put everything else back out before i visit? Especially the "bad movies and such"?

    P.S. Could you get the current Playboy for me before i visit again?


  • talesin

    Yes, I still 'parent-proof' my house. It is a sign of respect, that is all. Why upset them needlessly? It only takes a few minutes. No big deal.

    Desi, your dad is very naughty!


  • jgnat

    Well, I am an ordinary non-JW mother, and my daughter is a simple, ordinary young mother.

    When she knows I am coming over, she begs me to give her an hour to clean up first! Otherwise, I might start absently tidying up her house.

  • Simon

    I'm the other way ... I go round rearranging books etc. so all the offensive ones are move visible

  • exjdub


    This just occurred a short time ago with us. My wife's parents were coming for a visit from out of state and I had just had my birthday a week prior to their arrival. As it turns out my wife also was out of town and was due to arrive the same day as her parents. She called me up and asked if I would remove everything so as not to offend her parents. I removed everything...except I forgot the HUGE display of cookies, that friends sent through a service, that were iced with pictures of birthday cakes, candles, and other obvious birthday references...DOH!!!! We sure had a good laugh later.


  • azaria

    Because neither my brother & I are witnesses it’s sometimes difficult to remember what is approved of and what is not. But our mother is critical of everything and everybody. You can’t watch the news or a movie without her commenting on it. Needless to say it’s very difficult to spend much time with her. In my own home I would never hide anything other than JW related items (such as Crisis of Conscience that I am currently reading) She never visits but I have asked if she wants to spend a weekend with us. I won’t hide my bibles, books, cross, mugs, or fridge magnets. Reminds me of the song by Steven Curtis Chapman "the Change". It’s a great song. (Well I got myself a T-shirt that says what I believe/I got letters on my bracelet to serve as my ID/I got the necklace and the key chain/And almost everything a good Christian needs/yea I got the little Bible magnets on my refrigerator door/And a welcome mat to bless you before you walk across my floor/I got a Jesus bumper sticker/And the outline of a fish stuck on my car/but what about the change/What about the difference) I’m very considerate but I will not hide who I am. I realize that my situation is different from other people on this board because I never was a witness. Yesterday I took my mother grocery shopping and while waiting in the car I had a Christian radio station on. Usually when she comes I change it immediately but this time I just turned it down. I feel that I shouldn’t have to but I just don’t want the hassle of her ignorant comments. I feel that we are both bursting to talk about our beliefs. We will both talk in generalities and I think that’s good. But at times I just want to say what are you thinking!, how can you be so ignorant! But she is extremely vulnerable right now and I feel that I can’t take away the one thing that she hangs on to. She has the witness brothers & sisters on the one hand and me on the other and that’s all she really has left in her life. The rest of the family is too far away. I could really take advantage of this situation but feel that would be extremely callous. But I tell you it is soo hard knowing what I know.

  • joannadandy

    Hell yes I have done that before!

    And my sister who is now 34 crams everything that might offend in to boxes and hides it all in the attic. However, one year she drew the line at stuffing the christmas tree in a closet. LOL.

    I mean it is silly. My sister has been out now for over 10 years...she will never go back. But it's all about keeping everyone happy I guess.

  • desib77


    Desi, your dad is very naughty!

    Yes, he is going through his second childhood since he left the org. Kind of nice that he isn't as up tight as he used to be though.

  • talesin

    azaria, to clarify,

    For me, it's more about being nonconfrontational. The reason I still have a relationship with my parents (as a DFd person) is because we agree to 'check religion at the door'. So they do not have to concern themselves with the question of whether I am apostate or not.

    They know I enjoy Xmas and my birthday, they know I am no longer a Christian, but I do not rub it in their faces in a confrontational fashion. It's more about letting the subject go, than it is about hiding my lifestyle choices. There are times that we have lively discussions about other matters, such as which politician is the best liar, but this question does not threaten their religious belief system. lol

    From my POV, it's worth spending five minutes parent-proofing before a visit so that I can maintain my relationship with them. If they found COC on my kitchen table, or a saw a bong, they would feel obligated to say something. This way, they can still live in their comfortable state of denial, and I still have my mom and dad. : )


    edit: Desi, I think it's great! You're very lucky to have each other, and I love seeing folks discover their freedom while still young at heart. : D

  • eiu2003
    Yes, he is going through his second childhood since he left the org. Kind of nice that he isn't as up tight as he used to be though.


    Just having fun now. I was never young, grew up at 12 when Babtized!!!

    BTW, i'm not loose,..............well maybe a little

    OH.... naughty can be fun............. BUT NOT FOR YOU DESI!!!

    You be GOOD!!

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