advice please!

by blondy 13 Replies latest social relationships

  • XQsThaiPoes

    I think he is niave or not "deep in the truth". If he kept up with his reading he would know his stuff and the elders would not bother him. Most JWs barely a active in the reading dpt. So they look to other "mature ones" to make decisions for them. I mean if he really was in this thing he could marry you anyway just be careful and dont get married in a church they may Disassociate him for that.

    I think the problem is not really "mind control" it is just he is irresposible. Meaning he does not want to take responsiblity for his actions. If he really knew his stuff he would weight the oppinion of a hand full of his parents friends over you. Maybe the reason I can't see the drama is cuz I am a JW that never bought into it.

  • Nosferatu
    His parents are making this even harder. They took his cell phone cuz it was in his dads name so he can't call me (even tho he went to get another one to talk to me), and they don't let him drive anywhere...they even drive him to work!!! cuz they found out we were talking after work on a regular basis.

    These are control tactics. They were used on me. My dad was always threatening to take my car away from me, because it was insured under his name. He would take it out whenever he wanted, and leave me with his crappy car. He gave me shit for driving it around so much when I got into an accident.

    Here's another one: when my mother went away on a one week trip, I was spending it all with my girlfriend (who had a baby). When my dad found out that she had a baby, he made me spend the rest of the week with my aunt, so I wouldn't see or talk to her.

    Third one: When I was 20 years old, and spending lots of time at my girlfriend's house, he made me pay rent and gave me an ungodly curfew. When I refused to obey and moved out, he wouldn't let me take my guitar amp, which I paid for with my own money. I came by one day to pick it up, and he threatened to hit me if I tried to take it.

    In my opinion, you have to let him figure everything out for himself. He'll either continue to let himself be subjected to this behavior, or he'll do whatever he can to get out of that situation. The WTS puts people under their control, and these people have trouble getting away from any type of control tactics since they're accustomed to it.

    I've been through it all. It wasn't easy. I had to do it all on my own.

  • prgirl79


    I know it's hard, I know it hurts. I have been through this. Do you want to be with someone who feels they are doomed if they are with you? Do you celebrate holidays etc if so he won't be there for that. Do you want children raised this way?

    I tried for 5 years to try and get my ex to move on, let me tell you it is hard and many times it doesn't work unless he is READY! You will be putting so much energy and waste your time in the process. You are fighting a battle by YOURSELF. Get out now don't wait the more you wait the worse it will be for you. It's not healthy for you to see him that way, and you can't help him meanhwile you feel torn as well. It is good that you asked this seems to happen all the time i felt like i was the only one. We are here if you need us. Please listen as many of us have been through this.

  • Fed Up
    Fed Up
    What do you mean by "fearing losing his life"?

    Oh! I can answer that one! He's refering to his ETERNAL life--meaning, that if he's no longer part of the JW organization, he believes he is destined for HELL--which of course, is not the "fiery pit" of other Christian religions, but rather nonexistence.

    When my ex jw husband has given me THAT argument, my response is that I'd rather be nonexistent than to be STUCK throughout all eternity with a bunch of lying hypocrites.

    And you think that you can SAVE his life by "freeing" him of them?

    Don't you see the irony in that?

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