Do you wish......

by Strawberryfieldsforever 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • simplesally

    Well, if I coulda been Queen Victoria and live a long life..........I would choose to be her in that lifetime..........

  • funkyderek
    think about the time when there were no JW's and there was only the town church where everyone got together on sunday and all the neighbors cared about eachother and helped eachother

    And life expectancy was less than 50, and a lot of people couldn't read, and nobody ever left the town they were born in - or if they did they never came back. There were no antibiotics, disease was rampant, a lot of women died in childbirth etc. Doesn't sound too appealing to me

  • Odrade

    hear, hear Blondie! what a "feminist" I've turned into. My nephew this week (very impressionable age) was spouting something he clearly picked up from his grandfather (not known for respecting women...) "Scrabble is a man's game" I said "WHAT???!!!" he said, "Well yeah auntie --- cause men are the thinkers." AAARGGHH! Well, he and I had a little talk about that one, let me tell you! His mother was horrified when she found out, because he surely did NOT get it from them (mom and dad)

    Anyways, all of that to say this: I can't imagine living in an era where my brain is devalued because it's contained in the same body as ovaries. I can't imagine living in an era where I don't have the right to tell a man who says this sort of thing that he needs to get a clue. I can't imagine living in a time where I'm not considered smart enough to vote for president.

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