Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT "Neutral'

by metatron 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • metatron

    When a debate arises between a Witness and a non-Witness, "neutrality" is often used as the trump card, a final

    argument that can't be overcome: "We're the only group that is neutral in worldly affairs", they say.

    But are Jehovah's Witnesses really neutral?

    Consider that Witnesses will teach the following:

    "All governments are led by Satan the Devil. You are forbidden to display any nation's flag. You are forbidden to vote

    You are forbidden to join any branch of the armed forces or even the Coast Guard. If you disobey these dictates,

    you will be expelled and treated as a traitor by your Witness 'friends' and , in effect, rejected as a family member

    by Witness relatives. All government efforts to bring about peace or better world conditions are futile."

    Exactly how is this 'neutral'? If you were an anarchist and hated all governments, would that make you neutral , too?

    If they were honest about it, the Watchtower would admit that they are actually anti-government - in every nation of the world,

    since all present governments are 'led by the Devil'. If you were trying to mobilize a whole nation to make reforms, would you

    want people like this dragging down morale and compliance with their pessimism and 'doomsaying'? Is it any wonder that

    the organization is using 'weasel words' and trying to softpedal these beliefs?

    With the recent Memorial Day in view, it is worth recalling the enormous sacrifice that idealistic men and women made

    in fighting the evil of fascism. Was Hitler defeated by prayers and protest? - or bombs? Himmler had plans for Witnesses-

    he intended to use them to pacify rebellious areas conquered by the Reich. Naive people can be used in a modern economy

    for more purposes than working in weapons factories!

    After WW2, Europe enjoyed the greatest period of prosperity and peace in its history, as did Japan and South Korea.

    Was this really futile? The Cold War ended with Communism defeated. Was that meaningless?

    Yes, the world still has problems- but it isn't going to get better with 'pie-in'the-sky' promises and people who avoid the

    struggle while endlessly preaching anti-government negativity.


  • Corvin

    Interesting post. Let me ask you then, what would being politically "neutral" entail? What would one have to do or not do to remain neutral?


    1. Not aligned with, supporting, or favoring either side in a war, dispute, or contest.
    2. Belonging to neither side in a controversy: on neutral ground.
    3. Belonging to neither kind; not one thing or the other.

    1 : not engaged on either side; specifically : not aligned with a political or ideological grouping <a neutral nation>
    2 : of or relating to a neutral state or power <neutral territory>


  • BluesBrother

    Quite right that the dubs are not neutral, they are actively working against the interest of Society as a whole.. Consider that they preach :

    1] that the Government is a puppet manipulated by Satan

    2] that all who are not going to join them are "Wicked" and deserve to die

    3] that their opposers deserve no mercy and that a violent solution is necessary to rid the world of unbelievers

    4] that witnesses rejoice at the concept of their opposers bodies rotting on the grouind and being pecked at by birds

    5] that they are the sole channel of truth . No other religion, counts for anything and in fact is worse than no religion at all

    I ask , Who does this remind you of ?

    OK , I know that they plan nothing violent themselves. But for me, the worship of a God who is avowed to do these horrible things is just too close for comfort

  • metatron

    I doubt that such 'neutrality' is really possible. National economies are so well integrated that removing yourself from

    politics and warmaking is nearly impossible. Many Witness ideas actually would require them to become Amish-like,

    if they followed their own logic to its necessary outcome.


  • Farkel

    : Yes, the world still has problems- but it isn't going to get better with 'pie-in'the-sky' promises and people who avoid the struggle while endlessly preaching anti-government negativity.

    Dub's are lazy. Everyone knows that.


  • xjw_b12

    "Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT "Neutral"

    No but based on the recent releases at the conventions, and their lame articles in the Watchtower I'd say they are IN Neutral.

    xjw_b12 watching for the reverse lights to come on...... again

  • Corvin

    I really don't think that the "Christian Neutrality" doctrine of the WTBTS is Bible based.


    it-1 p. 579 Daniel, Book of ***

    Daniel?s record of the deliverance of his three companions from the fiery furnace for refusing to bow down before Nebuchadnezzar?s great golden image (Da 3) is an account of the legal establishment of the right of Jehovah?s worshipers to give Him exclusive devotion, in the realm of the first world power during the "Gentile times." It also helps Christians to discern that their subjection to the superior authorities, as mentioned at Romans 13:1, is relative, in harmony also with the actions of the apostles in Acts 4:19, 20 and 5:29. It strengthens Christians as to their position of neutrality as regards the affairs of the nations, revealing that their neutrality may bring them into difficulty, but whether God delivers them at the time, or even permits them to be killed for their integrity, the Christian position is that they will worship and serve Jehovah God alone.?Da 3:16-18.

    That principle is no where to be found in the Bible.


    be p. 68 Know How You Ought to Answer ***

    At times, you may be required to refute charges brought against you by someone in authority. A police officer, a government official, or a judge might demand that you answer questions about obedience to a certain law, your position of Christian neutrality, or your attitude toward participation in patriotic ceremonies. How should you reply? "With a mild temper and deep respect," the Bible counsels. (1 Pet. 3:15) Also, ask yourself why these issues are of concern, and respectfully acknowledge that concern. Then what? The apostle Paul referred to the guarantees of Roman law, so you might point out legal guarantees that apply in your case. (Acts 22:25-29) Perhaps facts about the position taken by early Christians and by Jehovah?s Witnesses worldwide would broaden the official?s viewpoint. Or you might point out how recognition of the authority of God actually motivates people to be more consistently obedient to proper laws of men. (Rom. 13:1-14) Against such a background, a statement of Scriptural reasons for your position might be favorably received.

    Acts 22:25-28

    25 But when they had stretched him out for the whipping, Paul said to the army officer standing there: "Is it lawful for YOU men to scourge a man that is a Roman and uncondemned?" 26 Well, when the army officer heard this, he went to the military commander and made report, saying: "What are you intending to do? Why, this man is a Roman." 27 So the military commander approached and said to him: "Tell me, Are you a Roman?" He said: "Yes." 28 The military commander responded: "I purchased these rights as a citizen for a large sum [of money]." Paul said: "But I was even born [in them]."

    This is not an example of Christian neutrality as the WTBTS asserts, but quite the opposite! Paul was gladly making use of his citizenship to get out of a jamn.
  • Mulan

    They will also be quite open about "hating" this politician or that world leader. Once I pointed out to someone that they were not being neutral, but were actually taking sides. He was pretty shocked.

    I think many of them believe by not SUPPORTING the politics, they are being neutral, but being AGAINST it is not neutrality.

  • GenericMan

    Are they neutral regarding same-sex marriage? No, they aren't. Even if their position is Bible-based, they are still taking sides in a political issue.

  • r51785

    Jehovah's Witnesses are not neutral.

    They are citizens of the Watchtower nation state.

    The WTBTS acts like a government. It has it's own set of laws, it's own judiciary, it wields the power of punishment over lawbreakers. It tries to control the lives of its citizens as much as any totalitarian govenment that has ever existed. It has it's own system of taxation (head tax at the circut assembly?) and drafts its citizens into compulsory service (field service). Refusal to perform compulsory service is illegal in the watchtower nations state as it is in other nations and will result in legal action by duly constituted authority (elders).

    If a watchtower citizen joins the army of another nation he forfeits his rights of citizenship (disassociation) just as the citizen of any country renounces his citizenship by doing likewise.

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