If You Could Have Had Bill Clinton As President For Another Term.....

by minimus 52 Replies latest social current

  • kilroy2

    Yes bill clinton inherited a neg. economy like bush did in 2000, no mater how you cut it things were on their way down on clintonistas watch.

    What do you think clintonista would have done in responce to the towers going down? Yep just like he did when they tried to take them down in 93, bomb a couple of empty el quada camps and an asprin factory. Way to go bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We are now paying the price for the inactivity of bill clinton, and those who think war is not an option.

    If you have never seen the video of nic burg I suguest you see it. this it the animal we fight.

    The want all western culture dead, the problem is that the liftist do also.

    So we have a battle on two fronts, the funny thing is that after western culture is dead islam will go after the leftists. they are no more palatable to then as those who are for western culture.

    It is easy to prove this as leftists are no more than comunists and the islamic fundies kicked commie butt [with the help of the us] out of afgan.

    I also wounder how these leftists who are usually silver spoon in mouth idiots who never worked for anything in their lives would react to living with one bike and a 50w light bulb, just like viet. or n. korea? I see jane fonda and her ilk did not stay in those countrys very long. I dont think julie roberts or alic baldwin have sanpans in viet. ?

    they talk a good game from thair million dol. mansions but they dont play a good or true game.

    the left is full of lies and deciet. So I did not vote for clinton, I voted for bush and then dole. and bush and this time I will vote for bush again. I shutter to think what would have happened if gore were prez. when 9/11 happned.

    He has not balls,any american who gets up like he did and loose composure screaming about 6 millitary people gone bad out of 200,000 is so partisan they can not see the forest through the trees.

    If we do not fight this war today, as ike said we will trade each drop we would spill today for gallons tomorrow.

    The sick thing is how the left thinks that war is not an option. What? humans have fought since the begining of time and we will continue to fight, that will never change.

    The thing about why we fight is the thing that is important. Do we take the side of a dictator that sanctions rape, murder, torture?[true torture, not taking of a couple of hooded hazing photos] or are we on the side of the freedom?

    We in the usa did not attack the arabs, any one who says we did is just mouthing off. we have been attacked repedly for years, they hate us and there is no peace as long as the only thing that they want is for western culture to be destroyed, what did we do to deserve the 93 towers? the chole, the embasy bombing? was it the gulf war? that same war that was sanctioned by the un?

    the same war that had hundreds of nations working togeather to liberat a nation taken over by an agressor nation? Well if that is dispicable behavior count me among those.

  • bull01lay


    Clinton only lied about having screwed a few women, whereas, Bush is lying about having screwed the entire country.

    LMAO - very funny!!

    All seriousness now though... I can't understand the fascination with Bill Clintons private life. Just because he's the president doesn't mean he's got to be 'dead from the waist down'!

    Whilst I don't agree with the 'sleeping around' thing, if his wife knew of it and supported him, then who is anyone else to judge him? That seems a very self rightous, 'dubbie' view of things to me.

    Knock the man if he couldn't / didn't perform the job you voted him in for, but don't knock him for being a 'man'.


  • minimus

    Kilroy----You are right on!

  • simplesally

    I didn't care about his sex scandals at all, totally personal issues and for him and his family to deal with.

    I would have voted for him.

    Too bad he can't run again!!!!!!!!!

  • minimus

    .....no wonder he always had that smirk on his face, huh?

  • ColdRedRain

    Frenchbabyface: No comment needed.

    And as for wanting slick Willy back? Only if his running mate was Ronald Reagan and he agreed to resign. Ronald Reagan in his alzheimer's-riddled brain could do a better job than Clintoon. The guy only slick-talked his way into 2 terms, and left his successor (Which would have been Gore too.) with the job refilling the strategic oil reserves (Thereby leading to the increase of gas prices we have right now.) of cleaning up after Al Queida, Saddam and the then rotting economy. Thank god we have Bush. Granted, he's not the most fiscally responsable president we've had in years, but think of the alternative. Al Gore would have been the second coming of Jimmy Carter. And John Kerry is everything Clintoon is, only he couldn't talk his way out of a paper bag. He's screwed vs Bush in the debates, stuttering and all.

  • ColdRedRain

    And how was the country screwed with Bush? There was an increase of 1.3 million jobs in the past 2 years under his watch, there have been no terrorist attacks since 9/11, when he took care of the terrorists on their grounds as enemy combatants instead of treating them like common criminals, and we've pretty much lead to the demise of an enemy bloc, all within 2 years.

    And BTW, cheating on your wife is no big deal, even if you're president. Hell, if it was just about sex, I would have also been pissed off about how they treated Clintoon. But he lied under oath about rape, which is a felony, and a damn serious one too.

    If a poor black man was caught lying under oath about rape, he'd get 1-3 years. But the first "Black" president was only given the admiration of the American left. No wonder why America's moved to the right.

  • Corvin

    Kilroy, please stop yelling . . . blah blah blah . . .

    If you have never seen the video of nic burg I suguest you see it. this it the animal we fight.

    Again, another atrocity that happened to an American on G-Dubya's watch.

    Give me the ass-spanking adulterer any day of the year.

    PODUS, whoever he might be, has military chiefs to advise him of the appropriate response to military aggression. Anyone who says Clinton would not have been advised properly is just yelling. This crap (Iraq invasion) was on Bush's agenda long before 9-11.


  • avishai

    i think we'd be where we'd need to be. How many "Police actions" Happened under his watch? Rwanda, Yugoslavia, etc.

    My criticism is he acted too late.He was way more hawkish, though than I think people remember.

  • Michael3000

    You have GOT to be friggin' kidding me! Who cares about Clinton's "indiscretions"? We had eight years of prosperity (he was a Rhodes scholar in economics, after all), and (for the most part) GREAT relations with other countries. Clinton was a master of diplomacy, and always tried to handle international problems accordingly. Fast forward to BushCo, who couldn't care less about his own accountability, much less that of his administration. I would jump at the chance to have Clinton for another term (or two!).

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