Racism - American Idol?

by confusedjw 11 Replies latest social entertainment

  • confusedjw

    Earlier this season there were some reports and accusations of racism in the voting for the American Idol.

    But now with the last two seasons being capped off with a Black and White finalist and the Black singer winning both times should this put to rest the accusations?

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I think the whole "Racism" cry was ridiculous. Jennifer Hudson have a nice voice but not an image people wanted to buy, plain and simple.

    It was stupid. The first like 4 or 5 kids that got voted off were white.

  • Gopher

    I think the "racism" cry was way out of line. Elton John blew this way out of proportion with his comments, I guess he's burned his bridges with that show, eh?

    I watched the finale last night, and both among "Fantasia" supporters in Greensboro and "Diana" supporters in Atlanta, there was a cross-section of people there. No way did all white people support Diana and all black people support Fantasia. Maybe more people identified more closely with the person of their own color initially, but if you watched the whole competition you got to know the singers better as people and not just as a representative of a race or culture.

    But people who have strong opinions and axes to grind will continue to be quick to judge things by the "race" card. It was a bit of negative publicity for the show, but overall it doesn't appear to have hurt its popularity -- with 65 million phone votes and 31 million viewers tuning in.

  • gespro

    What exactly IS a race card and where is the game I can play it and win?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    If I say that Fantasia reminds me of Leon Spinks, am I racist?

  • confusedjw
    Fantasia reminds me of Leon Spinks

    Spinks couldn't sing I don't think

  • gespro
    Natas: If I say that Fantasia reminds me of Leon Spinks, am I racist?

    No, but you might be a goofball. [What can I say...there is a likeness...] If you said Aunt Jemima, we might have a problem...

    Leanne Rimes could really sing at 16. Diana cannot. But I suppose if Diana won, there would have been rioting in the streets of LA...

    There wouldn't be rioting because Diana has some serious black features...just in case nobody else noticed! Ah, yes the Mariah Carey syndrone. Diana could play the 'race card' when she wants to hit that crossover R&B market [I'd give her a couple more years to get her black gospel roots together...]

    I don't know if you guys could hear that Diana's voice had a support voice singing with her on a couple of tunes. Oh yeah...there was some pre-recorded stuff on this 'live' event. That's show biz!

    Hey- instead of racism how about calling it favouritism?

    And how's about that monotone Hawaiian songstress? It's nice to see folks support their home girl. I just wish she had some talent and didn't bump off the better singers...

  • Gopher
    If I say that Fantasia reminds me of Leon Spinks, am I racist?

    No more so than if you said that John (that young red-haired Idol top-6 finalist) reminded you of late-night talk-show host Conan O'Brien.

  • gespro

    You're just gonna gliss right over my post Gopher?

  • sandy

    I was truly surprised that Fantasia won last night. Not that I wanted Diana to win. In fact I didn't care for either of the two finalists.

    I heard on the Ryan Seacrest show that the votes came down to a 1% or less than 1% difference.

    I cannot stand either one of those girls' winy, nagging, voices.

    I do have to say that Fantasia was truly the best performer ever on that show. She always went on the stage with the confidence of a huge power-house performer.

    I don't know about racism though. I definitely think Tamara Grey should have been the first American Idol.

    She sings so much better than Kelly Clarkson. IMHO

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