John Hick

by logansrun 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • logansrun

    Has anyone ever had opportunity to study the writings and ideas of Christian theologian John Hick? I've been reading one of his books entitled "God Has Many Names" which is a radical and thought-provoking work advocating the idea that all of the world's great religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism) are in some way "inspired" by God and lead to Him/Her/It (Hick refers to this entity as the "Eternal One").

    Hick was raised in a non-religious enviornment, was initially inclined towards Theosophy but later became a conservative Christian in the Presbyterian Church. Graduallly he became more and more disturbed with a literal and dogmatic view or religion and came to the conclusion that all religions are true if viewed in their cultural context. He borrows a lot of ideas from Karl Jaspers who advocated the idea of an "axiel period" of mankind running from about the 9th to the 3rd century BCE in which all the major religions either were formed, became revolutionized into their current form, or provided the bedrock for later religious movements (namely, Christianity and Islam).

    God, as it were, is like our solar system's sun with all the major religions moving around Him/Her/It like planets. Hick's theology is a sort of "Copernican Revolution" if you will with God, and not any single religious tradition, being at the center.

    I'm not saying I believe any of this, but it is quite compelling.


  • Euphemism
    God, as it were, is like our solar system's sun with all the major religions moving around Him/Her/It like planets

    As a JW, I remember having long conversations at the door with an older gentleman who used that metaphor. After a couple of hour-long gabfests, I wrote him off as a potential convert.

    I would guess that, to a greater or lesser extent, that's the viewpoint of most thoughtful religious people in our pluralistic society.

  • Carmel

    I thought his name was Hicks but none the less, I have the book somewhere in my library.. as you might guess his beliefs parallel mine


  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    GD or the Generator Of Diversity, to me is the underlying reality.... a quantum computer running its program which is made of its own nature....this running program generates many virtual comptures, us...who in turn generate our own virtual realities [the world we know within our own minds]... there is shared data and there is protected data, all within a single system which seems to have its hardware as energy and its software as relationships and patterns within the same energy.

    After leaving JWs I came to see the idea of a creator god is absurd, energy is not created nor destroyed, it only changes form... but the hebrew word Bera in Genesis 1:1 does not mean created, but transformed, changed, made from something prior, etc... and Elohim can mean all of us together as one whole and the Beni-elohim, the sons of Elohim, can mean the parts of the whole, we are all the beni-elohim. or Sons of God as in HIM we live and move and have our being [acts 17:28], not one, not two.

  • GenericMan

    Yes, I've heard of John Hick. He's a philosopher of religion and theologian, mostly known for his defense of religious pluralism. The Watchtower Society quoted him as a source in the Should You Believe in the Trinity? magazine. It is incredibly hypocritical on their part to dismiss all theologians and philosophers as in league with Satan and at the same time quote them as authorative sources in their publications, especially an extremely liberal philosopher like Hick.

    Here is Hick's official web site where you can find some of his articles:

  • EyeDrEvil


    I checked out the book you mentioned. Hick anad I seem to be very much on the same wavelength. Thanks for the thread, as I had never heard of this guy. I am enjoying his book!


  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    logansrun said:

    Hick was raised in a non-religious enviornment, was initially inclined towards Theosophy but later became a conservative Christian in the Presbyterian Church.

    Logan, there are two major Presbyterian branches in the U.S. the PCA and the PCUSA. PCA is the conservative branch (broke of from PCUSA in the early to mid 1930s). PCUSA is the liberal branch (eg. they allow female pastors).

    Saying that someone is a conservative christian because he belongs to the Presbyterian church is a tad misleading.

    Tell me which one of these two branches John Hicks belongs to and then I can call him conservative or liberal.

  • logansrun

    LA Big Dog,

    John Hick is from Great Britain. I have no idea if he was (or is) a member of the Church or any of it's particular sub-denominations to which you refer.

    I did not say that he was a conservative Christian because he was/is a Presbyterian. I simply said he at one time was conservative in the Presbyterian Church. There was nothing in my post misleading at all, as far as I can see.


  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    Logan, you labeled him I called you on it.

    Just because someone attands a church it doesn't neccessarily make them a Christian. Insomuch as living in a garage makes someone a car.

    I think it is misleading to appeal to a higher authority, and then not explain why that authority believes what he/she believes.

    That is a bit too much like the WTS.

  • logansrun

    LA BD,

    Logan, you labeled him I called you on it.
    I didn't "label" him but simply recapitulated the way Hick describes himself in his book. If you don't believe me, read the damn book.

    Just because someone attands a church it doesn't neccessarily make them a Christian. Insomuch as living in a garage makes someone a car.
    And your point is?

    I think it is misleading to appeal to a higher authority, and then not explain why that authority believes what he/she believes.
    Pray inform me what "higher authority" I appealed to?


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