I told my mom I was going to Dallas and she FLIPPED OUT

by logansrun 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • logansrun

    Dear gentle members,

    Remember the thread I started about my "liberal" JW mother? Well, forget all about that. I told her I was going on vacation to Dallas on Friday and inevitably had to mention that it was through this discussion board that I got invited. I didn't mention it was an "apostafest" or anything; just a few friends from the board who want to get together.

    She was disgusted. This disgust exacerbated my mood into one of intense anger. I honestly don't think I've EVER been this angry before. In fact, I'm ashamed of how angry I got. Let me give you some highlights of an absolutely explosive night at my house:

    She repeatedly calls ex-JWs, "anti-Jehovahs Witnesses" and says we all have a "vendetta" and a "hatred" for the Truth. She says JWs, on the other hand, "don't hate anybody" to which I responded, "Well, they hate other religious institutions as well as all governments" to which she said, "No we don't. We just tell them why they are wrong Biblically"

    She says that "every organization -- be it a business or a religion -- has an 'ideal standard' that need not be met." I strove to be a "Super Jehovah's Witness" and when I "faltered" I "stabbed the organization, including [my] family in the back." She said it was MY choice to pioneer, not go to college (she cites a few names that did) and that the Society is only slightly to blame (yes, that is liberal!). She doesn't understand that I did WHAT THE SOCIETY ENCOURAGES. Ever f***ing (sorry, I'm so upset!) issue of the OKM talks about "doing your utmost" ad nauseum. I did it. She didn't. And it's all MY FAULT, according to her.

    She said that I "choose" not to have non-ex-JW friends and that I -- this is her exact wording -- don't know how to develop real friendships. At this point I am ashamed to say I SCREAMED AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS at her. Four letter words were said. My fist hit the table (hard). She touched a nerve with me. She exacerbated my mood to the point of absolute RAGE.

    I did apologize later for this, though.

    My mother said that all ex-JWs do is log onto the internet and COMPLAIN about stupid little things -- "this elder hurt my feelings" -- or about looney sayings from CT Russel a hundred years ago. Yes, I myself have criticized ex-JWs that ONLY do that sort of thing, but she's under the impression there is no LOGICAL and NONEMOTIONAL argument against the Society.

    I cannot tell you how absolutely, totally frustrating it is dealing with her. Perhaps it's more frustrating, in a way, because she has *some* liberal tendencies and she actually is a pretty critical thinker about most other matters in life. If she was like some typical JW (ie, whacked out) I could brush her loony cultishness off. But she's my MOTHER -- someone I want approval from and who I otherwise admire.

    I'm so pissed off right now I could spit.

    I told her that if she wants a relationship with me anything having to do with religion or the JWs is not to be discussed. Funny thing is I only lash out at her religion when she expressed this type of disapproval in me and my choices in life.

    Don't worry folks, I'm still going to the Apostafest. (Things have calmed down a little at home. She even offered to pick me up from the airport on Monday).

    Basically, to make a long stroy short, she thinks that some of you might be good people but are total NUTCASES who are obsessed with the "truth" as she calls it. She also said she feared for my life because "there are a lot of evil people out there on the net luring young people away."

    Sorry for rambling. I need a stiff drink.


  • kls

    I am sorry for the tiff you had with your mom but like always with a jw it is one sided. Now if you told her you were going to a jw convention she would have kissed you. It is always their way of thinking or no way.

  • frankiespeakin


    Don't be so hard on yourself. I think your little outburst may have told your mother some very important things,,that may have changed her for the better,,I really do sense this.

  • Sassy

    ahhh Bradley.. I am sorry she flipped out. Might have been better not to have mentioned the boards's relation to the people you will be hooking up with.. but then again it is out in the open and you are past it. At least she has mellowed some and is willing to help you with transportation.

    Enjoy your trip to Dallas.. have a great time.. put all this out of your mind..

  • Valis

    Dude..sorry you had to go through that, but just think...when you get back and she picks from airport you can tell her all about us.. *LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • Sassy

    do you mean the edited version?

  • Valis

    Better yet logan we could just fly home with you!


    District Overbeer

  • myauntfanny
    She said that I "choose" not to have non-ex-JW friends and that I -- this is her exact wording -- don't know how to develop real friendships.

    It's wierd, that's kind of like what my mom said to me. She said she didn't stop me having friends, I just never wanted them. It really upset me, because it's an absolute load of bollocks. Then I started wondering if I was just crazy and didn't remember right. But I remember that I painted a poster about how much I wanted friends (of all the lame things, but I was 13 and posters WERE the in thing) and she scowled at the stupid drawing and said I'd mispelled "friends". Which I had, but talk about missing the point. Sorry to ramble, that just hit a nerve.

  • run dont walk
  • run dont walk
    run dont walk
    or about looney sayings from CT Russel a hundred years ago

    the bible was written 2000 years ago, never changes

    why does the watchtower change constantly

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