Accomplishes are good, accomplishments shared are better

by joelbear 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    I just went to pick up my diploma from school. As I opened the envelope and saw my name there I couldn't hold back the tears. I was overcome with emotion. I thought of what a long road it has been to here but how it was worth every bit of the struggle.

    I remember, in high school, my heart sinking as I had to tell teachers and guidance counselors not to put my name in for scholarships because I knew my parents wouldn't let me accept them.

    I remember the pain, fear and guilt of going behind my parents back to enjoy academic extracurricular activities like being in the Foreign Language Club, the Beta Club, the Math team, The Academic Bowl team and the editor of my high school yearbook, The Sandspur.

    I remember stealthily allowing my teachers to nominate me for Governor's Honors, an excelerated summer program for "gifted" students. I was one of 12 nominated from my school and one of 4 to be accepted that year. I remember my mother asking me if I was afraid armageddon would come while I was away from home during that summer of 1975.

    I remember coming home from going to get an application to the local college in Valdosta and being met by my best friend Chris who talked me out of applying.

    I remember working years as a bank teller for Barnett Banks of Florida while going to school nights at Florida Community College of Jacksonville.

    I remember the panic attacks that followed me being laid off by my employer 2 years ago because I knew that without a Bachelors degree it was going to be very hard for me to find a job.

    But here I am, a college graduate and I have several choices of paths available to me.

    Will I go back for my MBA.

    Will I go back and study for a Bachelors degree in history.

    Will I go back for a Masters in Education.

    Will I find a job in Market Research or Advertising, both of which I have a passion for.

    Will I continue to work part time and travel the world as I have longed for so long to do.

    Any of these paths will be exciting and rewarding. Having finished one path, reassures me that I can successfully follow another.

    I share this here in such detail because I know each person on this board has dreams, dreams that in part or in full may have been squashed by the "end time" propaganda of the Watchtower Society.


    Tomorrow is real. Tomorrow holds the hope of you fulfilling your own dreams.

    May God bless us all on our individual journeys.

    your brother,


  • Joyzabel

    amen brother Joel!

    Congrats on the BA degree. And good luck with making all your dreams come true.



  • Sentinel

    Congratulations Joel. You took charge of your life, and made good things happen. Whatever you choose to do, you will be just fine. I wish you the best of success!


  • True North
    True North

    Congratulations Joel; that's wonderful!

    I was attending a university myself when I got sucked into the WT org. and proceeded to drop out of it in order to learn the joys of janitorial work. Many years later -- after I had left JW-dom behind -- I finally managed to get my Bachelor's degree as well (even though it was something I just did for employment reasons and not, as had been my original goal, to pursue a field of study/research I was actually interested in).

    Will I find a job in Market Research or Advertising, both of which I have a passion for.

    Have you ever read any books by David Ogilvy, the founder of the advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather? I don't have anything to do with advertising myself, but I did read his Confessions of an Advertising Man and Ogilvy on Advertising and thoroughly enjoyed them. And BTW, as I recall, Ogilvy found huge success in the advertising business relatively late in life after having previously "knocked about" in a potpourri of other types of work.

  • Odrade

    Congratulations! (again! haha) I envy you, but I'm doing something about that. I'm going to a vocational school right now, and when I'm done with that I'll finally be able to start working on a degree. Feels good to be making headway and righting wrongs doesn't it.


  • Swan

    But you did it the hard way! Didn't you hear that reading the Awake! is the equivalent of all of that hard work.




  • TrailBlazer04

    Congratulations Joel! Graduation is such an awesome thing!


  • Gopher


    Thanks for sharing that accomplishment with us, and congratulations. Despite the WTS' attempts to squash our individuality, you're a prime example that we CAN succeed without them, and it's never ever too late!

    I hope you get to travel the world and then go into marketing/advertising. It all sounds so interesting and exciting!


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    My latest is cleaning up the shredded roll of toilet paper that my daughters dog just distributed all over her house..

    To me that was a big accomplishment!


  • Kenneson



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