Apostates-Scar's and Hyenas in Pride Land

by reason 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • reason

    The Bible clearly defined what an apostate is: loose morals, like dogs returning to their vomit, arrogant and haughty, impatient, cynics, causing divisions, have trouble following authority-all of these qualities, all summed up, i saw here.

    If i am Simba, i wouldn't want people like you in Pride Land. You people will only cause trouble and problems. You are the Scar's and Hyenas whose place is in the Elephant's graveyard.

  • GentlyFeral
    The Bible clearly defined what an apostate is: loose morals,

    I do not have "loose morals." I am differently hospitable.

    like dogs returning to their vomit,

    Not unless I go back to the Kingdom Hall again!

    have trouble following authority

    Not necessarily a bad thing!

    If i am Simba,

    ...debatable... And didn't Simba spend his adolescence eating bugs with Timon and Puumba?

    You people will only cause trouble and problems.

    Only to those who rely on milieu control.

    You are the Scar's and Hyenas whose place is in the Elephant's graveyard.

    A funny thing about Disney's villains: they generally get the best songs!


  • SYN

    The Q'ran (hope I spelled that right) also summed up sinners and evildoers quite succintly:

    1. People who eat pork.

    2. People who don't worship Allah.

    3. People who don't keep their women in submission.

    It seems to me that YOU are the evildoer.

    Or are you?

    Anyway, at the end of the day, my God can kick your God's ass!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    The Bible clearly defined what an apostate is: loose morals, like dogs returning to their vomit, arrogant and haughty, impatient, cynics, causing divisions, have trouble following authority-all of these qualities, all summed up, i saw here.

    If i am Simba, i wouldn't want people like you in Pride Land. You people will only cause trouble and problems. You are the Scar's and Hyenas whose place is in the Elephant's graveyard.


  • reason

    "Anyway, at the end of the day, my God can kick your God's ass!"

    I don't think the holy spirit resides in the person who said this. The WTS is true, so true! You people are just a bunch of losers with wicked hearts and empty minds. I wish the Watchtower magazine will feature more about apostates.

  • arrowstar

    So from this I take it you won't be joining us next weekend??

    (scratching off reason from the list)

    Ok...now who's going to be bringing the cole slaw??? We've got a menu you here people...speak up!!


  • avishai
    I don't think the holy spirit resides in the person who said this. The WTS is true, so true! You people are just a bunch of losers with wicked hearts and empty minds. I wish the Watchtower magazine will feature more about apostates

    Yep. Just like the elders that covered up for my bro's molester, and another molester. Leading to more than more than a hundred more children getting molested. Due to governing body policy. Yeah, and WE'RE the ones with wicked hearts.



    What about the JW's Joining the UN? They are the true false prophets, abusing their children. Please read up. Here is a pic for U.

    Here is another one, It's the bastard that's moolested at least 40 kids, and is out of prison. Are you a parent? Are your children safe? Because the elders sure as hell won't tell you if there is one in the congregations.

    So, Simba, Any sheep in lions clothing in your pride? Cuz' rafiki sure as hell ain't gonna tell you, Simba.

  • reason

    When the high priest Eli covered his son's badness, is it the fault of the whole system? Does that mean that God condemmed all Israelites even the good ones such as young Samuel?

  • hillary_step


    Does that mean that God condemmed all Israelites even the good ones such as young Samuel?

    Ever heard of Achan?


  • avishai
    Due to governing body policy.

    Go to silentlambs.com

    This is'nt an isolated incident. Your analogy does'nt hold water.

    What about the UN? The JW"s BECAME THE HARLOT!!!!! RIDING THE WILD BEAST!!!!

    Go to www.quotes.watchtower.ca NO apostate literature there. Only watchtower literature. Read the site. Then come back and talk to me. Please. I am hoping against all hope that you are not just a troll. Read it, then come back. Read the section on the UN. OR rape. Or 1914. Or 1975. Then come back and explain it. Who knows? You might change a stumbled one, like me's, mind.

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