Do you choose DA or DF?

by ozziepost 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    Some of us were discussing the other day the 'advantages' and 'disadvantages' of Disassociating from the Witnesses as against being Disfellowshipped (for apostasy).

    It seems from reading various experiences that most departing Borgites choose to send in a letter of Disassociation. For them it saves the 'hassle' of being harrassed by the modern-day Philistines, the elder class. It also saves, to some extent, the reputation of the exDub. After all, if you have JW relatives, it could be rumoured that you were DF for adultery, fornication, etc

    What do you think? Is it better to send in the letter? Or should you just ignore 'them' and leave them to play their little games?


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

  • slipnslidemaster

    Hassle them, heckle them, walk the line as inactive. Then when they finally can't stand it and they are going to start to try to DF you, then DA.

    Slipnslidemaster: "You can pretend to be serious; you can't pretend to be witty."
    - Sacha Guitry

  • VeniceIT

    Personally I think it depends on each person. You see my dad was df'd in abstentia, we found out two days after the annoucement that it had happend, and he'd been the PO at the time. He had no choice either way, because it all happened within a month or so of him even realizing how wrong the WTS was.

    So when Mom and I got our weekly summuns to appear (certified mail) before a committee on alleged charges of apostatsy. We both decided that we'd make THEM kick us out. Put them through the mill so to speak. And that we did. Our first Heresy Trail lasted 5 1`/2 hours with 4 elders. and our Appeal Trial lasted 2 1/2 hours with 6 elders. I don't think I'd want to go throught it all again, BUT I WOULDN'T CHANGE IT FOR THE WORLD. When I left the meeting I clicked my hells in the parking lot, I was on such a high.

    I knew I had done the right thing for me. We brought in stacks of old WT volumes and lit. The elders where floored they had NO IDEA about any of that stuff.

    Since then I've heard through various channels that it really affected a few of the Elders, and that was the point. So I'm glad I was DF'd I made THEM take the action, put the responsibility on THEM. But I think depend on each persons situation, and you have to do what feels right!!!

    (Proud to be DF'd class)

  • ozziepost

    G'day Ven,

    Thanks for the insight. I'm glad you were able to "sock it to 'em". I would think, though, that many women would find it an emotionally draining experience and very intimidating.

    Do you think this influences many to choose DA?


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

  • VeniceIT

    HAHHAHA well as you might have noticed I'm not easliy intimidated hahhahahah!!!! And fortunetly I'd watched Law & Order as much as I had AHHAHAHHAHAHHAH!!!!!! We put them on the defensive whohooo.


  • Cygnus

    Well, good for you Venice! That took some guts.

    Last spring two elders showed up at my house under the pretense of inviting me to the Memorial (I had been inactive for three years). When I declined their invitation they came out and admitted that the real reason for their visit was that a judicial hearing was scheduled and that I was accused of having been witnesses socializing with a disfellowshipped person.

    Long story short, I didn't fight the accusation, and in fact brought my DF'd friend with me to the initial hearing. They said, "We have no choice but to DF you." Duh. I did appeal, referencing the _Flock_ book and also a 1987 Watchtower:

    "Depending upon length of inactivity… elders may determine to hold the matter in abeyance." (pg. 100 of the book _Pay Attention to Yourselves and to the Flock_)

    "If Mary had reported first to the body of elders, they would have been faced with a similar decision. How would they handle confidential information coming into their possession? They would have had to make a decision based on what they felt Jehovah and his Word required of them as shepherds of the flock. If the report involved a baptized Christian who was actively associated with the congregation, they would have had to weigh the evidence as did Mary in determining if they should proceed further. If they decided that there was a strong possibility that a condition of "leaven" existed in the congregation, they might have chosen to assign a judicial committee to look into the matter. (Galatians 5:9, 10) If the one under suspicion had, in effect, resigned from being a member, not having attended any meetings for some time and not identifying herself as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, they might choose to let the matter rest until such time as she did begin to identify herself again as a Witness." (WT 9/1/87)

    Since I had no dealings with anyone in the congregation since I quit going to meetings, I argued that there was no reason for me to have to face the disfellowshipping procedure.

    The elders ignored these directives. I also pointed out that the Society's website says that those who simply cease to be involved in the faith are not shunned. They said, "Some alleged website is not our authority."

    So I got DF'd. It seems to me that it happened a long, long time ago. My wife is still a JW. Her JW family doesn't have much problem with me. One elder on the committee told me that it would be a "real test for your family to have to avoid you now." I laughed at him and said that no one in my family would follow those stupid rules. And they haven't. Had I DA'd myself, I think that would have looked worse. So I'm satisfied with being DF'd for such a bullshit reason.

  • ozziepost

    Thanks Cygnus.

    I wonder, why did you go to the committee meeting when you had not been associating for three years? What was the point? Would that have acknowledged that you were still in assocation with the Witnesses? Or was it out of consideration for your JW wife?


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

  • bubba

    Well...if being DF'd means Venice is allowed to be a
    nymphomaniacal....sexually pioneering wife...instead of a regular pioneer....then I choose DF.... over DA.... or active....or good standing...or inactive...or anything else for that matter !!!

  • ozziepost

    Wow Bubba, where'd you come from? Faster than a speeding bullet, you register and post. Sure must like this gal! Choose Venice, eh?

    Welcome to the board. It's the happy hour!


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

  • Cygnus


    At first I told the elders to go ahead and do whatever they wanted. I admitted "guilt" to the offense, and said there's not much reason for me to go to a hearing since I wasn't going to try and defend myself against the charges. So I skipped the hearing. But they called to reschedule, and so I decided, what the hell, I'll go and see what happens, for academic purposes if nothing else.

    My wife had nothing to do with any of it. She, in certain ways, expressed her support and respect for my decisions during the ordeal, if I could call it that.

    Several times they tried to get me to announce that I wanted to be disassociated. They clearly did not want to DF me. They repeatedly said that since I had made a dedication and was baptized, that presently I was either a JW, or not a JW. If I were not any longer practicing as a JW, then I would have to DA, or be DF'd, particularly if I were to engage in actvities that JWs ought not (which, in my case, was associating with a DF'd person).

    I did write two letters to the Society afterwards, and the Society said, "We find no reason to question the decisions made by the judicial and appeal committees in regards to your being disfellowshipped from the congregation." There was no comment on the 1987 Watchtower, or my length of inactivity.

    Some say that my going to the hearings meant that I was acknowledging their authority. I don't think so, especially since I brought my DF'd friend with me as a demonstration that I didn't care what they thought or did. The sentence they imposed on me basically amounted to nothing. I had several JW friends who have not been DFed and are currently inactive who associate with me. I've not had one problem with my parents, grandmother, or anyone else for quitting the religion and subsequently being DF'd. There are several active JWs online who regularly talk to me. And I hope that in some way, my experience has made some of my past JW acquaintances a little more aware of the tactics of the group they are involved with.

    Hope that helps.

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