New Gal saying hi to everyone

by betty boop 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • exjdub

    Welcome to the forum Betty.

    silly me i know but those ridiculous thoughts sometimes still torture me.

    Those "ridiculous thoughts" tortured us all and some still find those thoughts difficult to shake. The more reading that you do about the hypocrisy that the Org has demonstrated in so many areas, the less those thoughts will invade. It took me 5 years before I stopped wondering about whether the Society "had it right". The fear that was instilled in all of us had an impact and it just takes time to de-program ourselves. Why do you think I spent over 35 years in the Org? Trust your instincts. Regards.


  • cameo

    Hi Betty Boop!

    Welcome! So happy for you and the decision you made! You're free!!!!!!!

  • mouthy

    Good to e-you BettyBoop.

    I was baptized in 1963-kicked out in 1985- (cos I didnt believe Jesus came invisably in 1914)

    Dont worry about those thoughts your having -we all had them.... BUT!!!! when you start realizing the Watchtower hasnt had ONE prophesy right in all its over 100 years -you start to realize -Hey they are followers of followers, I am going to get off the following !!!! I an going to WALK ALONE so to speak.

    But on here you wont have to do that- We are all here to chat.... Help with the 'fears"

    Just remember you have choices now - That grey stuff the LORD put between your ears( brains) is to use. As to the sex????? Watch that also..... Lots of takers out there. But lots of heartaches also---

    Remember your special... No freebies. !!!!! O.K. I am the Granny on board so I have to give a lecture I was taught by the WT..... Cant waste all that I learned in 25 years .....LOL (((HUG))

  • Michael3000

    WELCOME, BETTY BOOP! Glad to have you here, and yes - NYC DOES need an APOSTAFEST!!!

  • betty boop
    betty boop

    sure does..but i think thats about it cuz we have everything else (including people selling fake cd's on the street..2 for $5 up in Harlem doesnt get better than that lol)

  • Corvin

    Hello Betty and Welcome!

  • Maverick

    Welcome Betty! Say do you live anywhere near Flushing? I am always looking for a place to hang during the US Open, (tennis). Maverick

  • Fleur

    welcome betty! i'm always happy to hear of another person gaining freedom from the borg. my story is similiar to many here, born in the cult, baptized as a child, married too young, left in mid twenties (bad marriage and religion in one swoop) have been out more than six years now.

    life is just beginning...don't get too freaked out by those thoughts of the tribulation and all, it's just cult conditioning rearing its head, it will fade as time goes on. as for regrets...we all have them, but when it comes to leaving the borg, i don't have any. shunning and all, i'd do it all over again to be free, and to give my child a chance at freedom too that she wouldn't have had otherwise.

    happy to have you here.


  • Celtic

    First of all Welcome Betty!!! Very pleased to make your acqaintance, I'm Mark from West Cornwall UK, looking forward to seeing your posts.

    Btw you're not at all silly for thinking as you do, tis quite natural in recovery to have those issues coursing through your mind, eventually in time they will ebb and be replaced with much more positive, real you, emotions and thought patterns.

    All the best to you!!


  • betty boop
    betty boop

    sorry maverick i do live in Queens but no where near flushing

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