New Wave JW's . . . I sort of got a chuckle out of this one.

by Corvin 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Corvin

    The apostates over at E-Watchman's forum are dillusional . . . first class spiritual nutjobs, if you will. We know they do not consider themselves to be apostate, but they believe they will do the most good by staying in the organization so that when the foundations of the Society are shaken, and they believe it will happen soon, they will be there to aid and comfort the JW's who don't know what to do or where to go. They are New Wave JW's now.

    "how could one hope to be in a better position to assist other bewildered sheeplike ones when the foretold "collapse" begins? "

    That may very well be one of the best reasons to stay - for some perhaps the only reason. Who will they most quickly listen to in that day...the elders desperately clinging to the shreds of what may be left of the WTs interpretations, desperately telling the sheep to "have faith in the organisation", or someone who they long since came to view as an opposer and an apostate who abanded the 'truth' (in their eyes)? It would make it that much harder for them to listen to us if they viewed us like that. I am not saying it's wrong to leave now. Some clearly feel that they have to. Others are given no choice by the brothers because of their beliefs (DFd). But it is perhaps more loving to stay and prepare for the future, if we can. IMO.
    "I classify myself as a new-wave of Jehovah's Witness. One who still holds to all the core basic tenets of our faith
    I consider myself to be a "new wave Jehovahs Witness" too. I just got baptised two weeks ago. Ther's another sister who is in my congregation who is of the "new wave" generation also. Its pretty cool having someone to discuss these things with. I think over time there will be many of us especially as things get worse in the world and peace within the congregations begins to dwindle more rapidly. Or I should say the the congregations which have any peace. Many people are doing reasearch and when you type in "Jehovahs witness" on yahoo this site comes up first.

    I always sit in the back of the hall to keep an eye on those who might be slipping and then I discreetly notify them with a letter showing them where to come and heal. I think it may be working.

    I will just say that if I were still a JW in good standing and found E-Watchman's board and read what these chicken-shit apostates are doing secretly within the congregation, I would leave in a New York Minute. Cheeses, you simply don't know which elder or PO or brother or sister is really a New-wave JW kook pretending to go along with everything just waiting in the wings to take over the flock as soon as the members start falling to peices. That is creepy.

    Oh, I almost forgot. This is funny too; the df'd and da'd apostates over there at the E-watchman's forum are now calling themselves "discredited" instead of DF'd or DA'd. The ones who are "discredited" are also waiting in the wings to come back and help the sheeplike ones when the WTBTS goes under.

    Sadly, some of us are discredited and can't be of much help to anyone just now ... but I am convinced it frees us to spend more time in study and understanding and refining ... and we will be fully used later ... I use ?dis?ed? to cover the lot ? DF?ed, DA?ed, marked, ignored, excluded, whatever, ? actually I am in ?good standing? ? just dis?ed
  • XQsThaiPoes

    Dear Lord I was right. I was trying to get in there to spin my off grid hall Idea but they wouldn't let me on. Ill try again. Best news ever.

  • desib77

    I use ?dis?ed? to cover the lot ? DF?ed, DA?ed, marked, ignored, excluded, whatever, ? actually I am in ?good standing? ? just dis?ed

    That's just silly.


  • exjdub

    Very interesting Corvin...New Wave JW's. It makes no sense to me because if they believe that they are "in the Truth", then they have to believe that the WTBS is truly "The Faithful And Discreet Slave". If they believe that then any type of rebellion, or contrary thought, would automatically eliminate them from "The Truth". At what point do they think reform is part of the equation? As you have pointed out, their reasoning is screwy, especially the reasoning that they are not apostates. When people try to justify actions it seems they never examine the reasoning and see how contradictory it is. Your right...they are nutjobs.

    The ones who are "discredited" are also waiting in the wings to come back and help the sheeplike ones when the WTBTS goes under.

    People wanting power...always under the guise of "helping". What a bunch of morons!


  • XQsThaiPoes
    they have to believe that the WTBS is truly "The Faithful And Discreet Slave".

    That is the problem the watchtower says it is not the FDS the anointed are. E-watchman is anointed and acording to wt definition the FDS.

  • exjdub
    That is the problem the watchtower says it is not the FDS the anointed are. E-watchman is anointed and acording to wt definition the FDS.

    That's the point XQ. E-Watchman, anointed or not, is an apostate by definition from the FDS. He is not following the "spiritual direction" of the FDS "Class". Where would the scriptural support be by e-watchman that reform is part of the solution? How can a person subscribe to the doctrine of JW's, and yet work against it at the same time? How would one explain the circular reasoning? If they are going to claim to be "in the Truth" then they have to apply the doctrine of "the Truth" which eliminates any contrary thought to the Org. They are apostates. It gives me a headache just to repeat the circular reasoning. It's stupidity at it's finest. Corvin said it best: Nutjobs...

  • badboy

    Does E-Watchman have the seal of the living God on his forehead,if he is 1 of the 144,000 or has he lost his seal?

  • willyloman

    Sounds like a serious case of denial to me. They can't decide whether to stay in or get out, so they manufacture a third option. It's not really an option, but it gives them something to do.

    I went thru some of this thinking when I first became disillusioned. I wanted reform. I thought I knew what that looked like. I wrote a long letter to a new member of the GB, an old family friend. In it, I outlined a whole new system for worship, field service, meetings, etc. By god, it was brilliant.

    I never sent it. While was letting it marinate, I continued processing information and came to realize there is no reform for this outfit. They're not about reform, they're about control.

  • shotgun


    I think the seal you speak of got killed off Newfoundland this past winter in the seal hunt!

    New Wave JW's...come's no fun to be new wave unless you get to look like the guy from a Flock of Seagulls or wear makeup like David Bowie did in the late seventies.

  • Abaddon

    I might have to have some fun there...

    ... but new-wave JubWubs are no more right then old wave JubWubs.

    Afer all, what's the point in new wave geocentricism? Doesn;t make the Earth move for me...

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