Could there ever be another "hostile takeover" of the WT Society?

by True North 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • RR

    Actually, everything Rutherford did was illegal. The Watchtower was organized with a seven man board of directors. According to the charter which I have a copy of somewhere, it stated that the board of directors were elected for life. So they didn't need to be voted on every year. What WAS needed to be voted on were the officers, Pres, VP and secretary/Treasurer.

    The four ousted director were ousted illegally, by-law instituted by Rutherford were illegal, since only the board could pass by-laws. The new by-laws, gave complete power to the president, which did away with the board altogether.

    Now as to your qyestion. I doubtr it very much. The Society is no longer governed as it was 100 years ago. The Society is no longer in the hands of one person, or even a board for that matter. With all the new incorporations over the years, the Society is split up into mini-societies.

    Each having their own officers and board members. ALl these corporation would have to relinquish their authority to one man for a takeover to happen.

    I believe what will happen in the near future is a split. Like the World wide church of God and others. There will be independent congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses, governing themselves, or cooperating with one another.


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