class distinctions

by teejay 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay

    A question and then I will allow the reader to reflect or respond. I do not expect to respond to any posts here.


    If so, should those of the "high class" be allowed to run roughshod over the feelings of those deemed "low class at will?"

    I'm just asking a question here, one that imo is very relevant.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    "I'm just asking a question here, one that imo is very relevant."

    This question is only 'relevant' to starting more angry flaming. Give it a rest, Todd. Your butt is showing again.

  • Kent


    You're not qualified, (_?_)

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • AGuest

    Yes. So? Excluding my Lord's kingdom, is there somewhere where there isn't? Let it go, Teej.

    A slave of Christ,


  • ozziepost

    No class distinctions here. Unfortunately putting on a new personality after a life in the Borg can mean that sometimes we think like "classmates", but we remember that it was C T Russell who was hung up on class. Of course, at the time, class was the 'in thing' of philosophies via Karl Marx. It was this that influenced the early Bible Students and this has formed part of the JW culture ever since.

    In short, class is outdated, old-fashioned, a thing of the past. The distant past, we hope!


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

  • slipnslidemaster

    There are you idiots and then there are the rest of us.

    Slipnslidemaster: "You can pretend to be serious; you can't pretend to be witty."
    - Sacha Guitry

  • teejay

    Those of you who answered "yes" get an "A." The rest of you are required to take the test again. <smile>

    The answer to the question is: yes. There are class distinctions here on the board as there in virtually every area of human society.

    A phenomenon happens in barnyards wherever there are chickens. Twenty chickens that are unfamiliar to each other will, thru a series of fights and feints establish a "pecking order." If you have the time, the chickens, and the inclination, you can test this and find that it is true. It was true 10,000 years ago. It will be true tomorrow. But the really cool thing about it is that it is true, not only of chickens, but of many other forms of animal life. It is also true of people.

    Now, class distinctions, in and of themselves, aren't a bad thing. In fact, they are quite natural. We see them practiced with no ill effects everyday. Kindergarteners hang with other kindergarteners. In high school, seniors would never accept a freshman into their group but associate with other seniors. People of the same race typically prefer the company of others within their own race even when they are given a choice. (This has been verified time and time again.) Millionaires don't normally hobnob with factory workers (or truck drivers <smile>) but with other millionaires. These are distinctions that people easily live with and WANT.

    The problem occurs when these distinctions are given a moral value. Are seniors "better than" freshman? Of course not. Are millionaires "better than" truck drivers? Okay, let me rephrase my question….. <smile> You see my point.

    Look at the initial post again. There are actually two questions. The first one is easily seen because it is offset and the words capitalized. You'd think it was the most important question. It's not -- the answer to it is simple, as we've seen. The important question following the first is the one that is of normal type and is set normally like the other paragraphs. It's the question that is the most important -- the "relevant" one. Interestingly, it's also the one no one answered.

    So it is with life: the thing considered most important (like the offset, centered, capitalized question) really isn't after a second look.

    todd~who can be sneaky when he wants to be <smile>

  • Suzis Ghost
    Suzis Ghost


    The answer to question 1, is yes, as you've stated. The answer to the second one: depends on which rung of the pecking order you stand on.

    I of course say, there shouldn't be a pecking order, because I'm on the ground looking up. Naturally someone on the top of the DB food chain would say "piss off" and/or start insulting threads about me if I wanted to move up a notch.

    I haven't used class distinctions, I haven't made reference to my education except for once in a thread only to state that I was more than qualified to back up my position. I won't mention the tarring I took for that one. :) I grinned and bore it, didn't like it, but I dealt with it. Even started a joke thread just to try to point out I could take a joke. I guess there were those who couldn't.

    I've seen a lot in my short time here. Can't say I've liked all of what I've witnessed--no pun intended. Ultimately it isn't the pecking order so much as who's getting pecked to death at a given time. For me to post on here is like wearing a chum belt into a shark tank at feeding time. Why do I keep posting? Good question. I guess somewhere, sometime, I'm hoping that people will start acting like an evolved species, and then we can all learn what we have to offer and build on it.

    I'm sure the above statements will now be dissected and analyzed and ultimately misconstrued. At least I got to say it, and if it makes sense to one person, then I'm happy.

    Ciao fer now.


    Because I could not stop for Death
    He kindly stopped and took me out to lunch.

  • teejay

    Suzis Ghost

    [cool name, btw.]

    The answer to question 1, is yes, as you've stated. The answer to the second one: depends on which rung of the pecking order you stand on … Ultimately it isn't the pecking order so much as who's getting pecked to death at a given time.

    I hadn't thought of that. You may be on to something. Regardless of the class, the folks on top probably don't see the big deal. That goes a long way to explaining a lot of things around here.

    Education is yet another class distinction. Many people are under-educated (including me) and at the same time insecure, a bad combination when ideas are being bandied about -- easy to get one's shorts in a bind at times like those. On the other hand, some educated people bash others over the head with it and feelings of self-importance get way out of whack. (now where have I seen that?) Education is a sensitive issue for some people. I can understand.


  • Seeker

    First of all, Todd, you appear to have been so sneaky that you forgot you ended your original post with this statement:

    "I'm just asking a question here,..."

    "a" question, you said, so you have no right to accuse others of ignoring the second, non-bolded question.

    As for your thoughts on class distinctions, yes they do occur among groups throughout nature. However, this only happens if you let it happen to you. Just don't accept whatever class someone tries to assign to you. You Know routinely calls me a sneak and a liar. I'm neither, so I ignore his foolishness and go on with my life.

    All this name-calling is pointless and needless. But it takes TWO to have name-calling be effective. If you reject it, it loses all its power.

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