It hit the fan tonite...

by beaker 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stefanie

    You did the right thing. You deserve full custody. My kids were about the same age when i left my jw ex. And they were releived to not have meetings and service to go to.

  • 68storm

    Good day Beaker,

    I am so sorry to hear about the friction between you and your ex wife. DOES IT EVER STOP?

    Whatever you decide to do, be sure to get yourself a copy of the booklet "Preparing for child custody cases." I ordered mine from Winess Inc. (Run by Dwane Magnani.) It was the best investment that I have ever made.

    During my deposition (At the request of my ex) I felt like I was cheating on an exam. Every question that was asked by the jw lawyer, was in the book. I was very well prepared and we negotiated joint custody that same day. (She was always after sole custody)

    She left seven years ago (My son was only six) and we are still at it today. I am sorry to tell you that (In most cases) they will never give up.

    It is not in your best interest to be a nice guy. I did exactly that and suffered for it. They are not reasonable people at all. If I had to do it over again, I would certainly go for the jugular immediately. (Hind sight is always 20/20)

    Today, my son is 13 years old and has been living with me for the past 18 months. I have an agreement that states that she is not to take him to the meetings (Or any other nonsense) unless he is willing to go. She still plays mind games with him. She has people that he liked calling him and putting him on the spot about attending. So far he has made me proud and has always refused.

    I don't know what your beliefs are today, but I (Being a very nominal Catholic) had much success showing my son the Gospels. I found it so easy to refute any of the jw nonsense using the Bible. I also made sure that we celebrated every Holiday in a big way. I always stressed that with me he had a choice. We have a very open relationship and he can discuss any concerns without me blowing a fuse. (His mother is totally the opposite, its always her way or no way.)

    I want to wish you all best in this very difficult situation. It is always so heartwrenching to hear about the breakup of families because of this sect.

    If you need more info or support, please send me a pm.

    Best regards,


  • Euphemism

    Beaker... so sorry to hear about your wife causing problems for the kids. I hope that you can resolve things without going to court.

    Just a suggestion, IMHO... if you do go to court, it is far better to focus on what she does, as opposed to on what the organization does. This announcement has been repeated in the KM several times:

    km 3/01 7 A packet of legal material is available to assist publishers who are involved in lawsuits over child custody and visitation matters in which our religion is under attack. The packet should be requested by the body of elders only in a case in which it is evident that the publisher?s religious beliefs will be at issue.

    In other words: as long as you only focus on your wife, and not on the religion, the WTS legal dogs will stay out of it.

    If you focus on things like the abuse, the WTS has every incentive to keep their distance, and say: "That is not our policy; we don't encourage it; etc." Whereas if you start focusing on the WTS (theocratic warfare, pedophiles) then the WTS will have every incentive make life hell for you.

    Just my two cents. Best of luck to you.

  • RandomTask

    Don't wait, get a lawyer now. She threw a phone book at one of them? Get a lawyer now.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Holy crow Beaker..

    You need to get this custody thing mapped out real real fast.

    No 6 and 9 year old should have to see and witness this kind of thing between their parents.

    My advice. Do not pass go, do not collect $ 200 go straight to a lawyer and petition for what you think is fair for both parents as regards to custody and visitation of your children.

    Is your wife mentally unstable at this time?

    This can all be worked out in a separation agreement before you even ever get a divorce. In fact, a skillful separation agreement can lead to a lot smoother divorce because all the biggest issues such as this one has already been worked out and the bumps gradually smoothed out somewhat.

    Good Luck


    Special K

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    If you want a creative offense threaten to 'place' several dozen of my bumper stickers, on vehicles in your town (especially if it's a small one).

    Tell them this will happen if they give you a hard time.JW's loathe any bad publicity.I've got a lots of experience with this.If you want a large quantity you can pay me for my cost

    A whole lot cheaper than legal services.If you need help,solicit the fundy churches they are usually more militant.

    At any rate, $uing is better than stewing.

  • shotgun

    My thoughts are with you and your kids Beaker

  • 4th wave
    4th wave

    I know the post has been up awhile but there is a copy of Preparing for child custody cases at They also have the book "Refutation for Preparing for child custody cases". Iv'e read it, no fluff, just the facts. Oh, one last thing they are giving away a free DVD right now called Battling over the children.

    Sorry for the lag!

  • carla

    Please contact-

    They may be able to help. Freeminds has the jw child custody video, helpful for lawyers, social workers etc...

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Hi Beaker. My heart really goes out to your children. Your x sounds very abusive, why not try get custody of the children?

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