Have you got the "actulice" thingy yet?

by Schizm 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Schizm

    Just wondering if anyone else's computer is infected with the "actulice" thingy.

    Apparently it's spreading like wildfire. If you have it, or get it, let me know and I'll tell you how I managed to get rid of it.

    (I think that maybe Farkel or AlanF sent it to me. Or was it you, Gumby? )

    If you have it you don't need for me to explain what it is to you. But it's a program that some jerk installs on your computer that causes a pop-up to appear in the middle of the screen. The pop-up, which is a rather small square box, has "modF" written on it and an "OK" tab for you to click. Trying to "X" out of it is useless, and it won't allow you to shut your computer down. When you try to shut it down, the message on the little box changes to read "cannot quit".


  • Leolaia

    You have an ad-ware/spyware program installed.

    Download Spybot or one of the other listed programs to remove it:


  • Schizm


    This thing has a way of going undetected by those programs you mentioned.


  • Leolaia

    I tried to google about it, but almost everything about it is in Spanish.

  • Schizm

    *LOL* Yes, I know, that's the first place I went to after I realized I had been infected this morning. Couldn't read a word of it! *LOL*

  • Leolaia

    If it's a virus, must be the Spanish Flu....

  • bebu

    I'm interested in knowing how you got rid of it, even tho' I don't have it (yet?).


  • Schizm
    If it's a virus, must be the Spanish Flu....

    *LOL* That's funny, but it makes you madder than hell trying to find a way to get rid of it.

  • Schizm


    I'm really surprised to see that nobody else here has contracted the "actulice" bug. There are indeed loads of people who have.

    Here's what I did in order to get rid of the pesty little thing:

    1) Go to "start"
    2) Click "run"
    3) Type in "msconfig"
    4) Click "OK"
    5) Click on "Startup" tab

    It's at this point where patience comes into play; the reason being the bug apparently has a different name for each computer it invades. Its particular name on my computer was "pg4ds32m". Since you don't already know the name of it in the listing under your "Startup" tab, you'll have to determine by trial and error which one in the list it is. So what you do is remove the check mark from all of them ONE BOX AT A TIME until you've identified the culprit (but be sure to write down its name). Just start with the first one in your list, uncheck it's box, then restart your computer. If the problem is still there, go to the next one on the list, and so on. You'll eventually find the guilty culprit. Once you do, then go back and put a check mark in all the other's boxes.


    1) Go to "start"
    2) Go to "Find"
    3) Select "Files or Folders"
    4) Type in the name of the culprit that you discovered.
    5) When it's found, highlight it and hit the delete key.
    6) Also delete it from your trash bin.


    1) Go to "start"
    2) Go to "Programs"
    3) Go to "Windows Explorer"
    4) Scroll down to "Program Files" & click it.
    5) In the listing on the right look for the items "over.exe" and/or "pup.exe". Delete these. Also delete them from your trash bin.

    That got rid of the little stinker for me. I hope you never have to deal with it.


  • gumby

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