God & Satan.... My warped reasoning that they're both equally evil...

by Doubtfully Yours 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    One for causing bad things to happen, and the other one for allowing it to happen. Any thoughts?!!!


  • truthseeker1

    if you believe in the bible the only reason why god is good is because he says so. He makes the rules, so if he says he is good, then he IS good. if we disagree, then we are evil.

    btw, which one is which? ;) both cause it and allow it.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    You're right on the money, Truthseeker1!


  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    What you are saying God is evil? Just because he sent mankind through years upon years of pain and suffering and allowed people to kill themselves cause the world he puts us in is mostly terrible and a crappy place to live in, doesn't mean he doesn;t love us....

    Wow I need to think about that one...

  • Nocturne
    What you are saying God is evil? Just because he sent mankind through years upon years of pain and suffering and allowed people to kill themselves cause the world he puts us in is mostly terrible and a crappy place to live in, doesn't mean he doesn;t love us....

    And to expand on that idea....don't forget according to the jws, this is all for the cleansing of God's name from the "lie" that Satan said about him.

  • Elmer J. Fudd
    Elmer J. Fudd

    If you believe in "God" or "Satan" and talk to ones who believe the same, you may get an answer to your question that satisfies you, however, I believe in none of the above and forgoing. The issue is mute to me.

    As far as being equally evil, I will concur.


  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    While I believe God exists, sometimes I think that we (man) have made up the devil all on our own just to help rationalize our own "evils", as it were. Maybe there isn?t a whole dark side at all. I dunno.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Thanks to all for your thoughts.

    Reading your posts has helped me realize I'm not alone in this reasoning that the Almighty creator has much to do with our problems here on earth. And us humans are so impotent to this fact.

    Every so often I remember a sentence posted in a thread a little while back that went something like "The already established kingdom of God which has done nothing at all for mankind".


  • frenchbabyface

    No thought, I just agree

  • Navigator

    What makes you think God has anything to do with what is going down on this earth? Are we not "doing our own thing". I do not believe in the existence of a power for evil other than our own ego self that believes we have successfully accomplished a separtation for our Creator with the objective of becoming our own gods. Ever wake up from a bad dream and been very relieved to find out that you were only dreaming? That is they way it will be for us all some day. The good news is that it doesn't have to be a bad dream. I do not believe in the made up stories to explain why evil exists in the world. I'm sure Leolaia could give us a good background on what the original role of Satan was in the old testament literature.

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