New BLOOD Watchtower - June 15, 2004 Issue!

by UnDisfellowshipped 102 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • scotsman

    As I said when I posted about this article a few weeks ago, it's as clear as mud.

    Most witnesses that I know/knew have/had no problem with recieving blood fractions and didn't suffer any guilt or congregation repercussions. My brother's daughter recieved a blood transfussion, against his wishes, her little life was saved and nobody said a peep.

    And of course it's about control. Did you expect anything else?

  • ozziepost
    Still, some Christians may have felt that they would not go into the temple or go through such a procedure. Consciences differed back then, and they do today.] The Bible mentions that some have 'consciences that are weak,' implying that others' consciences are strong. (1 Corinthians 8:12) Christians differ in the extent to which they have made progress in learning what God says, in being sensitive to his thinking, and in applying such to his decisions. We can illustrate this with the Jews and the eating of meat.

    There is a hidden message in this: only a weak person will do certain things, the strong person will say No!

    But surely a strong concience may also say Yes! to some things??

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Face the watchtower loves give JWs blood in secrect but pretending they let their child die for their faith. I have no idea who they are pandering to. Unless this is a carry over to let old anointed commit "suicide".

    Yeah I had 2 tranfusions as a kid the elders were hush hush and oddly consoling. Much more supportive than any othere equivalent JW sin. If you are actually dying the system seems to support transfusions for children after procrastinating if they know you are infact about to die. The fear of bad press I assume is the only motive. I think JWs procrastinate and the doctors just order the transfusions with a court order back up plan as soon as they see things going south.

  • xjw_b12
    The Creator chose to view blood as having an elevated significance, reserving it for one special use that could save many lives.

    I guess because we are no longer under "The Law" saving one's life today by accepting a blood transfusion has no signifigance.

  • rekless

    THe blood law was given to the Isrelites. Yet they could take the dead unbleed animal and sell it to the heathen nations around them for profit. Lev, 17: 15 states, As for any soul that eats a body [already]dead or something torn by a wild beast whether a native or a an alien resident, he must in that case wash his garments and bathe in water and be unclean until the evening, and he must be clean. ONLY THEN IF HE DOES NOT WASH VERSE 16 SAYS," BUT IF HE WILL NOT WASH THEM AND WILL NOT BATHE HIS FLESH, HE MUST THEN ANSWER FOR HIS ERROR."; therefore, it is the cleansing of ones self that does away with the law on eating of dead unbled animals. The WT never go further than verse 14 and the rest of us idiots never read any further than what they suggested. Shame on us.

  • Gerard

    Unacceptable: Whole Blood: Red Cells, White Cells, Platelets, Plasma

    Christian To Decide: Fractions from Red Cells, Fractions from White Cells, Fractions from Platelets, Fractions from Plasma.

    Translation: You can't eat a sandwitch but you can eat bread, jam, turkey & lettuce separately.

  • minimus

    SAD!!!!! This article "clarifies" that JWs can't take blood on the unacceptable list and should think twice if they're taking anything from the "conscience list". The point is if a person still could take certain blood factions from the acceptable list, it's because the blood had to be DONATED. How do they ever explain that away? Anybody know????????

  • outoftheorg

    To most Jehovah's witnesses, to be stumbled, means someone has done something that caused another to "stumble and leave the path of righteousness".

    Of course in their minds, this would mean this person either commited a sin or left the organization after they were stumbled.

    Then of course the one who caused the stumble is blood guilty.

    Unless this has also seen the flashing light, this is how I recall it.

    The very nonsense on the blood issue and the kind of reasoning displayed in this latest article on blood, is one of the primary reasons I was stumbled and left jw's teachings in the trash can.

    So if God is going to punish me for this, they, the wbts are blood guilty.

    The wbts of late has been caught in bed with the UN, a tobacco company, a company with military contracts, and on and on.

    They are stumbling thousands of people. By their own reasoning they are blood guilty.

    I wonder if this thought ever occurs to those in the gb (garbage & bullshit dept.)

    All of this is so ridiculous it would be laughable if it were not taking lives. Since it is taking lives, I see a criminal aspect in the making. If this wasn't promoted by a so called religion but by a business corporation, which they actually are. A publishing corporation. All hell would break loose. The federal government would be after them. There would be hundreds of lawsuits.

    Outoftheorg I hope I live long enough to see this happen.

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Typical Watchtower stunt: two long meandering study articles filled with doublespeak and lots of wink-wink nudge-nudge "here is what a TRUE CHRISTIAN, USING HIS BIBLE-BASED CONSCIENCE, might do.." And then, since they continually need to dumb-down everything to accomodate a group who -by design- are no longer are able to think for themselves, a big box with GOOD and BAD spelled out in easy words.

    What a sad situation.

  • Pistoff


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