Catholic "Just War" Doctrine vs JW Pacifist Doctrine

by rocketman 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • XQsThaiPoes

    You are wrong gumby that was the old docterine. Now it is only JWs after the 1k years. I am not trying to be argumentive but even JWs like to conveniently forget they changed the sheep and the goat when i soap box is in their reach

    Also nobody includes the theocratic warfare docterine which entails espionage, subversion and subterfuge. JWs are not pacifist.

  • gumby
    You are wrong gumby that was the old docterine. Now it is only JWs after the 1k years.

    Now what did I tell ya bout tellin me I'm wrong dammit! You know I'm never wrong.

    Yes, dubs teach that millions will be ressurected that never knew the truth and will have a chance to swallow their bullshite, however, they STILL believe they alone, will make it through the battle to the "other side".

    They make little comments about "some" may make it through though not dubs yet, but have a change of heart at the last minute and Jehovah may let them through, but the overall message is 'they alone' will make it through. Those resurrected that don't respond favorably to the message, will be stuffed out early by good ol' Jah, then it's dubville all over the world! Good Lordy Jesus.....can you imagine!!!!!!


  • LittleToe

    In support of your assertion, Gumby, I'd like to offer that the "survivors" are supposed to teach the resurrected.
    If they aint dubs, how can they be expected to teach the "troof"[Tm]???

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Since they changed the sheep goat the docterine is imploded and it makes not logical sense. It has nothing to do with change of heart or whatever. Is if you persucute the anointed in the GT.

  • LittleToe

    So what about when the GB attacks the "anointed"?
    Are they sacrosanct, because they're on the right committee?

    You're right about the theocratic warfare, though. The lies, involved, bankrupt their so called "moral" stance.
    They dodge that one by not using literal swords (though their use of "the Word" is pretty abysmal, too).

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Assume the GB are attcking the evil slave those other anointed. Oddly what I can't understand is how could the holy spirit dwell in an evil person. Would that mean God is helping them be evil? Because if they are not anointed they can't be evil slave. I love how JW docterine has broken down in to utter nonsense ever since the 1990's.

  • gumby

    I have a dub question for LT or XQ.

    Can one of you give me the reference to the sheep/goat change that was made. I remember shortly after being DFed in 94 ...within a few years....that idea or change was presented in the Watchtower. I've forgotten the content. If you could even relate what it was, that would be fine. Perhaps Blondie would know if she see's this.....where to find the Article. Not much was made of it as I it might make an intresting thread on it's own for newbies and others to see.


    Edited to say......I think I've found someone who spells worse than me

  • heathen

    I'd like to see the doctrine change myself . From what I remember the sheep were dubs and anyone who opposed them were goats .

    I do think the dubs stand on violence is mostly centered on the world political problems not that they can't defend themselves against a common criminal . Jesus did inform his apostles that he was sending them as sheep amongst wolves but I still would think that in a situation where you could escape or fight back you could do so without the intent of killing someone and still be ok within the church doctrine . Only an idiot would sit there and take abuse from some street punks . I just remembered the scene in the movie witness where harrison ford beats the crap out of some street punks .lol I just don't know how the amish can do that .

    XQ --- Not to be an A- H__E here but it would be nice if you would clean up your posts . I am having a hard time making sense and think you are interesting .

  • gumby

    Heathen, I'll PM Blondie....she might know. Imagine.....two guys askin a dumb ol' girl


  • LittleToe

    The wife has the "theocratic" library, I'm afraid. I seem to recall it was at the 1995 assembly, and shot out to press very quickly (in the same year).

    Blondie is yer gal, on this one, I suspect

    I wasn't talking about those that they branded the "Evil Slave" (though I guess I fall in that category, now), but rather those that are browbeaten whilst they remain within the borg.

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