"Mother's Day Sucks"

by xjw_b12 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjw_b12

    So say Mothers.

    CJ and I were talking last week about Mother's day and I felt she was dreading it. The reason given was in order for us husbands and children to feel like we were giving mom a break on Sunday, moms had to work extra hard on Saturday to get all the regular work done, so mom could appear to relax on Sunday. I conducted an informal poll with other women and got the same replies.

    So I issue this as a challenge to you husbands and children of the woman you love. Mothers Day should be a true day of rest and relaxation. Do what you can on Saturday, to help mom out. Even if you don't know how to operate the washing machine, any idiot knows how to turn on the vacuum cleaner.

  • Special K
    Special K

    I know somewhat of what you speak XJW

    It's is sort of like when someone ask us (as a family) to come over and stay for the night.

    With 3 kids, dog and everything else.. sometimes I don't feel it is worth the effort. Getting everything ready and packing .. I'm done in before I even start and find myself really cranky rather than relaxed. Crank, crank, crank.


    Special K

  • gumby


    First of all....I wish you would change that damn avatar name of yours that takes my dumb ass 10 minutes to type to get it right!

    I think many people believe that many holidays suck period. I personally do not miss them one bit. If I had little ones at home....I'd like halloween and christmas, but other than that, I'm glad I don't have to screw with all that stuff. I like to visit when I feel like visiting, but not when it's obligatory.

    Getting together with family is a great thing for many, but for many others, it's a hassel.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    LOL I was just thinking about this.

    Here I am at my daughter's house trying to help out before the baby is born. Well she has one daughter and that means there are two mothers in the house.

    Hmmmmmm we still have to do all the prep things so we can enjoy tomorrow (hopefully she will be working hard on having a baby but then again right now she seems to be coming down with a cold)

    And if you are a single mom with little kids there is no rest. If you want Mother's Day you have to make it yourself

  • kls

    Mothers day my daughter invited me over for a cook out,i am going to sit on my tush and watch everyone else to the work. The strange thing is my dub husband asked if he could come and said it is up to him. This is creepy.

  • arrowstar

    yes it does. This day should be wonderful and all it is is heartache.

    My son is with his dad this weekend. I get to go get my son around 6pm this evening and have "Mother's Day" for a couple of hours. Tomorrow? Well, I'll be alone as usual. Oh well.

    Such is life in the big city....


  • Special K
    Special K

    I still love mothers day though........

    I like those little gifts my kids would make in school and bring home in their book bags.

    My nine year old has one in his book bag now.. and I have been forbidden to go in that bookbag.

    I love those little gifts... He is so thrilled to give it to me and I am in turn thrilled to receive it.

    and I think for hubby to go out and buy pizza for us all is great (so I don't have to cook)..and then maybe all go out for Ice Cream.

    There is one place near here that give every mother a free really big ice cream on mothers day. I like that.

    and I like to go to the cemetery to reflect for a bit.

    Mothers day is good... Maybe we make it too big a deal and then it becomes more like WORK!


    Special K

  • gumby

    I heard Mothers Day...is 9 months after Fathers Day

    *wonders if anyone will get it*


  • LyinEyes

    LOL Gumby

  • Atilla

    You know, I was thinking about sending my JW mom something for mother's day just to see her reaction. I honestly have no idea how she would respond, who knows, she may accept my gift.

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