
by Paradise Found 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Paradise Found
    Paradise Found

    Genisis says God createted light then God created a" Division between the light and the Darkness."-

    So Who created "Darkness"?.....Is it possible that darkness never existed?

    Is it possible that if Darkness never existed except in our minds. Then nothing would exist except the light (Jesus)

    To qualify there would be no Watchtower Organisation existing if people didnt allow (Darkness) to exist .But the watchtower exists like a cancer.
    If so its our thinking that is wrong....Iam now totally lost if this makes any sence please I would value your opinion.

  • joenobody

    The Darkness is a creation of the horrible taste in music that a lot of UK-bandwagon jumpers seem to enjoy.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    and without Him was nothing made that was made

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    for God to have to CREATE light, means that there wasn't light before. so there was only darkness until light was created. then when light was created, light and dark kept fighting all the time so God said, "listen, both of you go to your rooms." that's why day never EVER messes with night. and vice versa!!


  • Faraon

    What did you say?

    I just saw that it was your post 69 of 69 and my mind started to wander.

  • Leolaia

    Darkness and the watery deep are the two features of chaos that preceded the described creative acts (Genesis 1:1-2). In ANE creation myths, creation is usually regarded as an ordering of chaos, not the fashioning of things out of nothingness. Thus light appears as darkness retreats, and it is the division between light and darkness (similarly the division between land and the watery deep, and the division between the heavenly waters and the earthly waters) that is most important. For more on darkness as being uncreated chaos, read the Enuma Elish and Hesiod's Theogony. As for the rest of your message (which has nothing to do with Genesis), I don't have a clue what you're talking about.

  • Spooner

    Well maybe it wasn't dark at all, it most likely was a symbol for nothingness. Like a shoe box, nothing could be in it, and its still dark. God didn't need to create darkness, but here's a good question, who created God?

  • LittleToe

    In the Genesis story, the [earth / land] was formless and void, too.
    These also existed before the first day of Genesis, with it's alleged bringing forth of light.

    Happy Birthday, Spooner

  • Spooner

    much thanks littletoe

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    {{{{Genisis says God createted light then God created a" Division between the light and the Darkness."-

    So Who created "Darkness"?.....Is it possible that darkness never existed? }}}

    It sounds to me like old big "G" set the Earth to rotating on it's axis.Make sense? Are you O-kay mate?

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