Mental masterbaition is it bad or good?

by frankiespeakin 43 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • frankiespeakin


    And then there is that little thing call pure awareness without bliss or pain to color it.

    It's all human metaphors that can never really discribe it.

  • Markfromcali

    Sure, although I don't think it would be useful to say that in a dismissive sense, because if anything a statement to the effect of you can't really put it into words is just good for ending the discussion.

    In the same way, we know that bliss or pain is not it just as our ideas are not it, but they are all equally expressions of it. Awareness isn't just empty space that stuff happens to sit in, it's the stuff too. First you come to realize that essence as awareness, then the process is toward an embodiment where the creative potential is actualized. Ultimately it's two sides to the same coin, there's nothing to be aware of unless something is created. I just read something I think you'd like, I'll send a private message to you.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist
    As to the path of enlightenment, I find that all systems, living or otherwise tend to seek stability and balance of forces as a natural result of the laws of physics... for a human this means seeking for a state of mind called peace or contentment.... since everything we do is caused by conditions which are the opposite of peace, namely, anxiety, boredom, dis-ease, etc.

    But seeking in itself is an overcompensation and ends up being a movement away from that which you seek, since there is natural stability and balance. I would say it's pretty much the same as desire in context of the 4 noble truths as the cause of suffering. By focusing on exterior conditions and forces, one loses sight of that which is not subject to the pull of opposites - since both have the same essential nature. In other words, true peace have no opposite, and is not separate from opposites. They're one and the same.

    when I say living systems seek, I do not mean consciously....I mean this is the laws of physics at work

  • Markfromcali

    I see Zen. I was responding to the part about humans seeking, which I say can be either one. There is what one might call a spiritual impulse to seek, to know the truth of reality, and there is simple homeostatic balance.

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