Please Help me with Answers to my Questions.....

by nemo 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • nemo

    Since joining the board and doing research, I have found out so many things about the organization and feel no longer compelled to preach or go to meetings. My friends are not taking me missing meetings well, things are not going to be fun. But this is my decision and I plan to fade away, because of this decision it leaves me with so many unanswered questions.....

    Which Bible is viewed as the most accurate?

    Do we all go to heaven, is there a hell?

    What about the resurrection of the righteous and unrighteous?

    1000 years?

    These are just to name a few I would like to know, I think the hardest part is feeling lost after having such strong convictions.

  • Vivamus

    Well, i haven't really read the bible for a long time now. But if i feel the need to grab one, my choice will be The King James translation.

    What i found really relieving after leaving the JW, was the fact that I didn't *know for sure* what the answer to every question was. This is where your journey of finding *your* truth begins. This is where you can search and investigate. You can ask all the questions in the world, and maybe you will find an answer, and maybe you wont. But your mind is free to make up your own mind. On the one hand loosing the feeling of *knowing it all* is a huge loss, but at the same time this is a gift beyond measurement. Use it.

    I wish you well on your journey, Nemo.


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • BluesBrother

    Hello Nemo, I think we can all identify with a feeling of confusion , even despair , when we realise that the certainties of life are just not true... hang on in there , it gets better as you go on ..

    all these questions have an answer, and the answers are all on the net . Try the sites with comparative Bible translations . Just keep surfing ..and keep coming on to this board .

    Stay around and do not be swayed by family presssure . "Knowledge is Power!!"

  • gespro

    Hi Nemo and welcome!

    I agree with Viv and BluesBro. Those feelings of despair and confusion will pass in time but there's no denying how devastating you must be feeling right now. I know all too well because I was born into the jw's. I DA'd myself but still believed for years and it wasn't until I thumbed through CoC that I began my real journey.

    It's been four years since then and before I came to this JW Discussion group, I was living in a vacuum being very much alone. Now it's a relearning process involving therapy and really looking at everything.

    I do wish you well.

    gespro (ignore the avatar)

  • JeffT

    Welcome! For starters don't stick with one Bible. I use the NIV, the King James, and a nice translation of the New Testament called The Message. There are a lot of resources out there to help you make up your own mind. Your library would be a good place to start.

  • a friend in need
    a friend in need


    I'm reading the topic of your post. I keep coming back to see the answers you are getting. Four questions you've asked --- don't hold your breath.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    It's faith. That's all there is. Jesus gives us the hope of living with him in the heavens, and that's what I belive. If there is a hell, well there is. Jeusus asks us to be saved and accept him as our savior, and we will always be saved. We have to have faith in that. That is all the anser you need. Give youself to HIM in faith and earnest..and the rest will be given unto you.


  • codeblue

    A Friend in Need:

    Why aren't you answering Nemo's questions?

    Nemo: You have received some very good answers....I asked the same things when I was in search of the real truth, not a truth that is mixed with hypocrisy.

    Keep praying to Jehovah....he is the one that you dedicated yourself too....


  • codeblue

    Nemo: You have a pm from me!!!

  • a friend in need
    a friend in need


    You just told nemo he/she just got some very good answers. WHAT did I miss?

    As for me answering his/her questions, the answers would be the same as he'd/she'd get from whence he/she just came.

    I was curious what answers he'd/she'd get here.

    a f i n

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