I Need Help On This One

by Elmer J. Fudd 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elmer J. Fudd
    Elmer J. Fudd

    Dear Friends,

    I have a situation that just occured and I'm not sure how to handle it. Perhaps the experience of this board can be of assistance.

    About an hour ago I intercepted my Sisters E-mail address. She's a dub of about 15 years. She is the staunchest shunner of my family members. I make frequent trips to Kentucky, where the family lives and she will not talk to me. The WTS's gaff in her is a big one. Anyway Iv'e been contemplating sending her an E-mail. I don't know if I should or should not and quite frankly I don't know what to say to her. It's a shame, we were close as two gnats in a navel when we were kids. Damn, that Kentucky talk sneeks up on me.

    Elmer J. Fudd

  • kls

    Why will she not talk to you?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Nothing ventured nothing gained. But if you do decide to contact her, be prepared for her non-response. I guess bottom line is, will it cost you anything to send her the email? In other words if/when she does not respond how much will that hurt? If it doesn't, then I say go ahead and make the attempt. But if it will cause you pain by having her follow her JW mindset and shun you, then you should wait and not get in touch.


  • Elmer J. Fudd
    Elmer J. Fudd


    To be honest, I don't know. I was told by another family member that it was because of Husband's infuence........


  • Elmer J. Fudd
    Elmer J. Fudd

    That seems like solid advice Tex.



  • kls

    Well , i guess if you e-mail her and you don't hear back you will have your answer. I would give it a try at least you can say no matter what happens you were there for her and tried to stay family. No matter what happens for or against you tried.

  • Jonty Parkin
    Jonty Parkin

    Isn't all this even more evidence of the loveless, jaundice-ridden bile that the JW's substitute for compassion? This is exactly the kind of behaviour that the WTBTS are trying to extract from its loyal, obedient, mindless adherents, and yet, paradoxically, they are able to evade corporate responsibility by claiming it is a matter of personal conscience!

    "by their fruits you will recognise them.." Indeed!


  • boa

    Welcome to JWD Elmer!

    Your desire to write an email is evidence of the good in your heart, however, the Society has effectively placed THEMSELVES in-between all familial arrangements. Of course, not all jws will follow this although publicly most will. Perhaps, just perhaps you will be successful in your attempts at contact. I don't know you at all so please forgive if I cover the obvious, namely, that showing unconditional love will be the best medicine and hope to reestablish a relationship if possible. That being said, prepare for the worst so that you can cope with 'sticking your neck out'.

    Like Forty said, the facts about what 'love' means for a typical jw speak for themselves and all boa can say right now is.....sheesh.

    Take care and all the best!


  • Ciara

    Elmer, all I can say is that if I were still a Witness I would hope that someone would care enough about me to try and help me. I will qualify that statement, however, by saying that I have tried to help my parents for some time through letter writing and finally had to give up because when they started getting hostile with me I felt like it caused my own family too much hurt. Best of luck.

  • Undecided

    HI Elmer,

    My experience with this email with family: As long as I didn't give my opinion of the Society I would get emails back but the first time I said something negitive about the borg they sent one email back saying they wouldn't talk anymore. They were 1st. cousins. Since then one of them died and the other one hasn't returned an email since.

    Ken P.

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