Nightline Episode Honoring Fallen Soldiers to be pulled from ABC stations

by Cicatrix 25 Replies latest social current

  • blacksheep

    Oh, and just a reminder for those who seem to be confused about "freedom of speech." They throw this term around from everything to not sponsoring Tim Robbin's actor-related event, to not listening to the Dixie chicks.

    The freedom of speech refers the the GOVERNMENT'S not restricting one's right to speak freely. It doesn't refer to people who choose not to by products of those who's political statements they don't agree with it.

    And it doesn't refer to a company who OWNS a station to disallow a Ted Koppel to air what he labels as a "tribute," which, based on his past programs, demonstrate he has an anti-war sentiment. As do most of the media. Tod Koppel doesn't have "freedom of speech" rights to do whatever he wants, without regard to how it might affect families, soliders, and people whose lives have been affected by other wars.

  • Simon

    Yes, remember everyone:

    Freedom of speach means that war mongers can lie, bully, pressure and manipulate the media but heaven forbid if anyone should try and tell a non-party line story in which case they should definitely not be given a voice.

  • Simon
    Has taste? Well, if the President truly finds scenes of flag-draped coffins abhorrent, maybe he shouldn't feature one coming out of the World Trade Center in his reelection ads.

    Very good point.

    The Bush administration is obviously just trying to squash any programme or report that possibly shows it's policies in a bad light or even just makes people think about them more.

  • patio34

    There isn't that much freedom of the press since it's owned by six corporations. That doesn't make for much room for a variety of views.

  • patio34
    company who OWNS a station to disallow a Ted Koppel to air what he labels as a "tribute," which, based on his past programs, demonstrate he has an anti-war sentiment. ------Blacksheep

    And, forgive me for not looking this up, but I thought the public owned the airwaves and the government licenses it out. It's really neither here nor there, but an interesting side point.


  • blacksheep

    And, forgive me for not looking this up, but I thought the public owned the airwaves and the government licenses it out. It's really neither here nor there, but an interesting side point.

    No need to look it up. Sinclair OWNS the station, among many others, and therefore has the right to pull anything it wants to. It's essentially all aboout dollars, and about whether they want to endorse whatever "message" would be sent by Koppel's Nightline show.

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