Vacationing, etc

by Yerusalyim 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim

    Well, for the last week now, and the week to come too, I've been on much needed (and deserved) Leave from my military duties. I've spent part of the time getting my house ready for an upcoming move. Seems I've been selected to be an Instructor at the U S Army Chaplian School. Woooooo Hooooooooo! Don't know if I'll be teaching new chaplain's how to be soldiers or teaching new Chaplain Assistants how to do the job or what, but Im excited. I leave in August. Went to a meeting with my 18 year old step son yesterday. Marriage was the topic of the Pub talk and the study article was on finding joy even in persecution. Sean asked me several times if I was enjoying myself, each time I said no, not really, but I'm glad you are. Nothing really offensive in the talk or study, just seemed boring and pointless. Sean went with me to Mass on Saturday, the sermon mentioned the persecution of Catholics and other Christians around the World, then on Sunday the Study article mentioned some persecuted Witnesses. Allowed me to make the point that yes, others not just witnesses are being persecuted. And that other Christians are being persecuted in LARGE numbers, and to emphasis that there are others with the claim to the title "CHRISTIAN".

    Met with the usual Glad Handing at the meeting. Other than the Elders, once they found out I wasn't interested, they left me alone. I didn't get a personal escort (kinda disappointed in that), but I was definetely WATCHED.

    On a more serious note; my 36 year old cousin had a heart attack four weeks ago. Thursday he had a serious ANGINA attack. He refused to let himself be taken to the hospital. I was privileged, however, to share the gospel with him. He accepted the Lord and then let himself be taken to the hospital. He stayed with me a few days as we talked about his new commitment to the Lord. He went to mass with me too, and is looking up the church in his home town. God is merciful to us and will use us where we are if we remain open.

    WHY Can't I access this site from AOL? See ya all next week.


    I like peanut butter, can you rollerskate?

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