"Beefing-Up" your "Hours"...

by Jonty Parkin 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Jonty Parkin
    Jonty Parkin

    Did anybody else do this? Or was it just me?

    I never actually lied about the number of hours I put in, but I was extremely creative in how I counted them! This, of course, was born of an intense hatred and loathing for the "work", coupled with the realisation that if my average did not hit double figures, I might be taken to task over it! Don't get me wrong, I wasn't scared of knocking on peoples doors and being told to regularly to "f*ck off"- I just could see no sense in it. I considered it to be humiliating, degrading and utterly futile!

    One of my favourite ploys was to work alone as often as possible. Then I'd begin by knocking at a door where all the indications were that nobody lived there. I'd stay on the doorstep long enough for the others to wander ahead of me, then I would go to visit a dear, lonely old man, who lived alone in a quaint old cottage.

    He had no interest whatsoever in Jehovahs Witnesses, but he made a lovely cup of tea! This was, I think, a perfect mutually advantageous arrangement. He would get at least one regular visitor 2 or 3 times a week, and I had somewhere to go other than "on the doors". He took the mags and books regularly, and I was even able to off-load tons of back-issues, thus further enhancing my otherwise meagre report!

    I remember one afternoon, I made the terrible mistake of taking the CO with me to see this elderly chap. Wise cracking and funny from the"platform", this particular CO was so bloody rude and obnoxious to this dear, sweet old man, that it's a wonder he ever allowed me to visit him again! But he did, and sanity and good manners prevailed once more.

    Towards the end of my glorious career as a loving and wise overseer (ho hum), I didn't even bother talking about the "truth" (which by then, I had begun to realise in my heart that it wasn't). Instead, I would listen to this old man talk about his life - his childhood memories - his war experiences and so on. The old man is dead now, bless him.

    The ironic thing is that, with hindsight, I can see that these "beefed up hours" were of greater value in terms in terms of kindness and respect, than all the sodding hours I ever notched up on someone's doorstep!


  • brutusmaximus

    Good post Jonty,

    In Scotland where the weather is not the most welcoming we tended to do a couple of closes/tenemant's/flats and then go to the cafe for a brew and something to eat come out of there and give out a couple of pamphlets thereby allowing us to carry on our time which was good. I agree with the national average bit one was always aware that it was best to try and keep above this if possible.

    Take care


  • myauntfanny

    Brutus, I never came to your thread to say hi back, so hi.

    I agree with the national average bit one was always aware that it was best to try and keep above this if possible.

    Wouldn't it be smarter to stay a bit below the national average? Cuz if everyone's trying to keep above it, then it's just going to keep going up and up, until everyone drops dead from sheer exhaustion.

  • bikerchic

    Beefing up hours, yes of course I did!

    It was a common practice for the car group to leave service arrangements? and go to the closest return visit? then head out to the rural territory some 20+ minuets away and count the time there and of course on the way back because we would do the last return visit or not at home once we got back to town. That trip was always good for the first and maybe only hour in service! We always called this Pioneer Time? and then there was Pioneer Speed? where you drove purposely slow!

    Oh, this is too funny while working on a secular job with my sister (a true Elderette). She would begin to count her time with her employer the minuet she drove into the gate at the Country Cub being her employer's home was a couple of miles into the CC, Pioneer Time? and the speed limit was 20, Pioneer Speed?. The first time she did that and I was with her I reminded her she wasn't working for a JW, this wasn't Field Service? and her employer deserved a more accurate time. She is probably still doing this and has made lots of $$$ off her employer for travel time!

    Oh and that reminds me of the Elder who told me no matter what I could always count an hour on my time card thus never being an irregular publisher? simply by counting the time my neighbors observed me living as a christian. Yes he was serious! So I did that too! Kept me more regular than prune juice!


  • Jonty Parkin
    Jonty Parkin

    Hi Kate!

    God, that's sooo funny! Yes, I remember the rural territory one. One day, there was not enough room in the car for everyone, so being a young, fit, healthy and caring elder, I voluntered to go back home for my bicycle!

    This had two beneficial effects for me;

    1) Boosting everybody's already sickeningly sycophantic adulation of me.

    2) Ensuring that I had a wonderful 1 and a half hour cycle ride without speaking to a single soul! I simply put one leaflet through a door before I set out, and then one more when I got home! Amd I counted every second of the time!




  • Nosferatu

    Hell, I would always round off. 15 min = 1 hour. Talking to your pets about Jehovah helps as well. On a particularily windy day, you can let a tract blow out of your hand. There's a chance that someone will find it, and want a home bible study!

  • bikerchic

    Jonty, LOL

    2) Ensuring that I had a wonderful 1 and a half hour cycle ride without speaking to a single soul! I simply put one leaflet through a door before I set out, and then one more when I got home! Amd I counted every second of the time!


    Bicycle now why didn't I think of that! Actually by the time I got really into cycling I was considered bad association, yeah me in a bicycle gang! Go figure!

    In all honesty I think it was riding and actually asking for donations for Leukemia Society of America from of all people my fellow brothers and sisters. Who knew they couldn't support LSA while the WTS was in the NGO. Shameful!


  • New Castles
    New Castles

    I always beefed up my report just to make it look good, thats until I stopped reporting two months ago.

  • rick1199

    By the end I was completly making mune up. Only putting down 3/4 hours but never really going out. And we would do all the walking slow and starting at one place then traveling some where else trick that have already been metioned. I was taught these by a pioneer, what does that say about the state of the congregation ?

  • a wee scots lass
    a wee scots lass

    LOL - I wish I had been a little more creative! These were great!


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