Hypocrisy? Contradiction?

by Simon 17 Replies latest social current

  • Simon

    It's kind of ironic that in the same week that Photo's of Princess Dianna lying dying in a mangled car wreckage are broadcast to little outcry that there seems to be a lot of ballyhoo about photo's of carefully arranged coffins carrying US troops back home.



    Should both be allowed? Neither? One or the other?

    Personally I think showing the Dianna pictures are in extreme bad taste and just unnecessary. The pictures of the coffins is a powerful picture that should not IMO offend anyone.

    Coffins of US soldiers at Kuwait International Airport (image released by US Air Force and posted on a website)

  • confusedjw

    Over in the States I've heard quite a bit of outcry over the photos of Lady Di. And they are awful. The poor woman was mishandled by everyone, even now.

    And of course the American coffins = outcry = unpopular war = election year = liberal media = you name it

  • FMZ

    In my humble opinion, people generally take this kind of thing over the top. The pictures shown of Diana, from what I can gleam from the information provided, were not graphic in any way. There are dying people shown on TV every day. She was human, and deserves no more or less respect than any other individual. In fact it is one of the only two things we can be sure of in life... death and taxes.

    As for the pictures of the coffins, again, it conveys a message. Yes, quite powerful, I agree Simon.

    All in all, these are people we care about. Those people laying in the coffins, and also Lady Diana. Showing their last moments or their neatly arranged coffins brings the idea of death just a little closer to our hearts, and in a way, shows us that eventually it will happen to us all, so why fear it?

    Hmm... just my opinion.


  • ozziepost

    My opinion (which isn't worth anything except to me):

    Pictures of Diana lying injured? Ghoulish

    Pictures of coffins of returned US servicemen? Insensitive

  • mouthy

    My feeling's about the Diana showing was bad taste, for the kids sake- she was a MUm !!!

    As to the coffins of the Americans I thought it was very powerful!!! Shows just what a rotten thing war is, I feel for THOSE Mums too, but they are proud of THEIR sons, ( I think) .

    As we all were >in wars!!! Thinking it was for GOD & Country!!! I dont think THIS war was warrented!!! but who am I!!!! My understanding is the destructive weapons were never there.(invisable?)

    I was sorta in the same catagory when I couldnt see the invisability of Jesus coming in 1914... but although the WT said I was dead, NO COFFIN!!!!

  • Simon

    I agree with what I read on one of the news pages - if anything the pictures of the coffins shows how much care and respect is being shown to them. They are very somber and moving.

    I can't see any reason for the pictures of Dianna though - this is just sensationalism in an attempt to win viewers by any means. There is a difference, IMO, to showing unidentified dead people (the result of some tradgedy) to showing the dying moments of someone so well known and well liked (even though I didn't particularly like her).

  • ozziepost

    Just a thought: why do we need any pictures to know that Diana or soldiers have been killed? Do the pictures make them more dead?

  • grows1

    Pictures or video's of Diana's (or anybody's) last minutes on this earth are intrusive, disgusting, disrespectful, in poor taste and demeaning. And that's the nice things about them. For people to try to capitalize off of another human being's suffering and/or death is the lowest form of human greed. The pictures of the soldiers coffins are in the same category- someone trying to capitalize on someone else's death. What is even worse is that there are enough people in this world to make these kinds of things profitable. A pox on all their houses!!!!!

  • SixofNine

    Actually Ozzie, war photography is needed to bring home to people the horrors of war. I suppose it often is insensitive, but then so are rocket propelled grenades. OTH, I don't see pictures of coffins as insensitive to anyone except the wackos trying to keep them out of the public eye.

  • FMZ

    Once again, in my humble opinion, (which often people do not like), I feel that too many people think too much of death.

    For those that think that this show was trying to "capitalize" off of these pictures, I disagree. If they were capitalizing, then they also would have sensationalized it to get more viewers. I did not see one commercial for this particular documentary. Which brings me to another point, this was a documentary. This word is derived from "document", which essentially means to keep a record of what has happened. The idea of a documentary is to give all the information possible about a certain person, event, or thing. We watch documentaries to learn about these things, and in doing so, getting the facts. It is a fact (albeit an unfortunate one) that Diana died on that fateful night. This was documented in footage, photos, and other medias. The programme was simply providing those facts so that we can make a balanced decision on our opinions.

    But please, do not think I am for all of this hoopla regarding Diana. Quite frankly I feel the same as many others, in that they should let her rest in peace. There are people trying to capitalize off of both her life and death, but I just do not think we should criticize a documentary of all things.

    Just my humble opinion, God bless all.


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