What music are you listening to right now, and where are you?

by Satans little helper 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Pleasantly at work, contemplating a beautiful sunny Floriday afternoon outside my huge window, and listening to soft rock in the overhead sound system.

    This place of work is great!


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Just got out of my Jeep, was listening to KISS, Shout it, Shout it Loud!

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Kylie Minogue, album "Kylie", song "Loco-Motion", at my computer in the dining room at home.

  • plmkrzy
  • Fleur

    a hotel room in paris...wow...sounds romantic.

    i am currently listening to my immortal by evanescence on a loop...been listening to the new ben jelen cd a lot lately too...and i'm currently lost in my thoughts a million miles from where i sit...


  • Celtic

    Evanescence is so sexy.

    This evening I went to Nancy's bar where a local girl was singing her heart out, she sounded fantastic and though no one in the bar noticed, there was a point when I had to wipe the tears from my eyes as she did a very good number of that song about God just trying to make His way home, ahhhh too beautiful for words, made me go all gooey and meloncholy.

    Right now I'm listening to Loreena McKennet - The Mask and Mirror. Very very very soothingly enchantingly beautiful old ancient melodies and ballads.


  • Nosferatu

    Noone said I can't respond to this twice!!! I'm sitting at home, listening to "Unicorn Horn" by Marc Bolan (from T.Rex). That guy was way cool!

  • dh

    Mass In Orbit - Cozmic Orgazm (Nicaragua Mix)

  • findingme

    I listen to Clannad while at work; it puts me into my own little world. I get much accomplished.

  • natalienu

    Some crappy hold music on my phone while at work! Sucks to be me!

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