by silentlambs 20 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • humble


  • humble

    Why is it that apostates don't like to be stereotyped, yet you accuse all witnesses of being child molesters. You try to convey the idea that abuse goes on in all congregation. I'm not saying it has not happened, but it is dealt with according to the Bible and the land's laws (which differ from state to state). I have been in 6 different congregations and I have not seen one single case of child abuse. Don't stereotype every witness because of the actions of a few. Eventually Jehovah gives to those few what they deserve.

  • silentlambs

    you appear to reply to what you do not know. a. i am not an apostate, i am a jw in "good standing" who is telling the truth. b.i encourage you to research and learn what wt policy actually is with regard to child molestation issues. the society and those who serve in high station within the organization know what i am saying to be true. i base my conclusions on my own personal experience in dealing with child molesters within the organization. when you learn the real "truth" it should move you to action to do something about it. that is the purpose of this thread. i have never accused all jw's of being child molesters, yet i do accuse all of supporting wt policy that allows children to be hurt. do you support child molesters going in the witnessing work? do you think the general public would approve? wt policy in its finest moment, yet you would not dare question wt policy. morally and ethically it is wrong to hurt children or provide pedophiles with further opportunity, if you cannot understand this you are not very humble.

  • Celia

    To : Humble -
    ...Eventually Jehovah gives to those few what they deserve...

    Do you mean that as a society we should do nothing to protect ourselves from criminals ? Just wait, God will render His judgement some day, when the criminal is dead ?
    Sick ! What about the innocent children who are abused and molested ?
    Shouldn't we all try our best to protect them and punish the perpertrators ?
    I say, shoot them on sight !

  • humble

    Then what should be done with child molesters?

    Let's say a child molester is disfellowshipped from the congregation. I live in Texas, so in this state it is required that the child molester be turned into the authorities. The elders tell the child molester to turn himself in, which he does. He is given probation by the court. The child molester says he has repented. Of course the damage is done. What should be done with that person? Should the elders ever reinstate him if he asks for it? Will God ever forgive him?

    I really want to know your opinion, this is not to test you or anything of that sort. I have my own views which I would like to compare to yours.

  • humble

    Celia: I feel the same way, I would like to grab the child molesters by the throat. But reality is different and I cannot execute anyone. Jehovah sees what's in the heart and he will make that call. I think that if there is a member of the congregation that has a past (as a child molester), he needs to be watched carefully and identified as such so that the parents can be careful and even instruct his children not to get near that person.

  • Celia

    I like that post of yours better than the first one.
    I see red when it even remotely seems that someone tries to find excuses for these criminals who prey on kids.
    Sorry for my outburst
    But don't you think that such molesters should be reported to the authorities, so everybody is protected, not just the families in the cong. ?


  • Celia

    Hello SilentLambs,
    Received the tape of the radio conversation you had and
    just listened to it. First, it was great to actually hear your
    voice and the voice of Jeff, you both sound like nice people...
    You did a great job explaining the situation.
    Together with the tape, they sent me a few brochures concerning the JWs, that I found very interesting and well done.
    Keep up the good work !

  • Francois


    There was a reason that for decades, centuries even, child sex abuse was refered to as the "silent crime." It's because no one discussed it.

    What did you expect in your six congregations? The pedophiles were going to wear name tags? I didn't know there was child sex abuse going on in my congregation near Atlanta, either. And didn't know until fifteen years after I left and began dating one of the former sisters in that congregation. She had been horribly sexually abused by a pair of special pioneers, and had the proof, too.

    All this was going on right under the noses of our "glorious ones" who intoned darkly and knowingly from the platform about the dangers of associating with worldly people at a local skating rink. So much for putting untrained know-it-alls in a supervisory position over anyone or anything.

    And just for the record, I challenge you to show where anyone on this site has ever accused ALL JWs of being pedophiles. You can't do it. More hyperbole from the Borg.


    My $0.02

  • silentlambs

    just bringing this back up, i have had many positive responses and brochures are going out as we speak. with dc season in full swing this should help to make an impact. thanks for all your efforts in that regard.

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