JWs gladly benefit from war yet refuse to honour the dead

by catlady 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • catlady

    As I learn more about the borg I am continually shocked by what I discover. I knew early on that they were pacifists but I had no idea that this included not honouring (or dishonouring) those that have died under war conditions.

    I find it so hypocritical that the dubs are quite happy to benefit from the principles (ie freedom, liberty, justice, etc) that these men & women fought for & yet refuse to pay tribute to them.

    Today my ex-JW partner picked his kids up from his ex-wife (who is a JW) & said he would drop them back on Monday afternoon after we go to a BBQ. Straight away she said "it's not to an Anzac Day one is it?" (Anzac Day is similar to Independence Day) Just unbelieveable, imagine the audacity of that, actually honouring people who've been killed in war!

    I'm no patriot, I'm more of an 'internationalist' than a nationalist but that really shit me! Have a bit of respect for the dead!

    A very mad cat


  • dh

    if you mean the solders on all sides, definitely

    the innocent casualties on all sides, definitely

    the collatoral damage on all sides, definitely

    the leaders who caused it and couldn't prevent it, i do not think we should honour them, no.

  • catlady

    Yep, absolutely DH, I mean the everyday man/woman of the street who has been affected by war NOT the political factions that have caused it.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Actually JWs are NOT pacifist. We are partisan objectors. JWs die in war like everyone else they just don't fight in them. We are jailed or executed for non-participation. That should be just as good as actively dying. Think of it would you rather the JWs in an aggressor nation die trying to kill your soldiers, or would you rather them get executed for not killing your soldiers. It is so biased, nationalistic, and macho. If people die fighting it is acceptable.

    When the Japanese took Korea, and JWs refused to serve they were heroes to the Koreans, and criminals to the Japanese. When the Koreans took control they became criminals again. Anyone see how bigoted this is. If we joined a conflict it would suck because we would have to form a spy network to coordinate with other JWs. It would be like Alqeada.

    Maybe ?normal? people would kill for their country or their party. If that were extended to JWs we would have to kill for the Watchtower?s Theocratic party. It would suck more for you guys than it would for us. Cuz at least we would be in control of our lives instead of turning them over to the powers that be to do what they wish like in every other conflict. You also have to remember the wars when the "bad guy" wins. What benefit do the JWs that live there get? I am sorry if I am hostile on this, but it chaps my butt when someone says his or her Grand Dad died for us worthless JWs whom apparently never die in warfare. Who ever killed him probably wasn?t a JW, and at least Grand Dad had a ****ing gun!

    As far as honor we will give honor, but to only a point.

  • natalienu

    Bloody oath! I mean if it was not for those men who have died for all of us. We would not have the freedom we have today. And maybe some of those JW?s may not be alive today if their parents did not die for them or grandparents or whatever.

    Anzac Day is this Sunday and I have every intention of having many beers for those men that can not have them today, I plan on spending that whole day honouring them.

    Just because it ain?t in the Bible to respect that day, don?t mean you can show some respect.

    Lest we forget!

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Yes lets remember all those red chinese that died for North Koreas independace and freedom... Lets not forget those charlies in Nam while we are at it. I bet those JWs celebrate their freedom every Anzac Day too. Fighting for freedom is great if you get it when the fighting is over. Have fun, but remember the Japanese fought for their freedom to rule the pacific. Aren't you happy they lost their freedom.

  • Friggers

    Imagine if every person on this planet refused to fight in a war. This world would be a lot better place to live.

  • xLaurax

    This is exactly the same point that i made in an earlier post. It cannot be denied that Jw's are against war yet they are willing to accept the benefits that it brings about. To bring some order into this world war is sometimes the last option and somebody has to be willing to risk their lives in order to help us all. So JW sit there and mock how the whole world are hypocrites yet they themselves are exactly that.

    When men and women join the armed forces they know that there is big possibility that they are going to be called out to war. So in this respect they are wiling to risk their lives for their country and people. How can anybody argue against honouring them for this? In an ideal world it would not come to war but we need to take off our rose coloured spectacles and take a look around us. This is not true.

    I have been brought with a JW mother and a non JW father and have attended the KH regularly. It isonly now at my age that i have started to discover the so many faults that religions brings about. This being one major topic that i most certainly disagree on especially as i intend to join the armed forces after education and university. Although young i do actually have an opinion on this that some people refuse to listen to because of my age.

    I don't know what your remembrance festival is that your talking about but i say go for it and keep the memory alive of those that were brave enough to risk their lives.

    x Laura x

  • XQsThaiPoes
    willing to accept the benefits that it brings about

    What in heck are you smoking in college? War is a zero sum game! It just reduces the population that is all. You are too young or too naive to understand (hence a perfect candidate for the military).

    The benefits of war is simple things are better with less people providing the war does not totally cripple the economy or the ecology. This is a temporary benefit because the more war you have the more sex people have. Open a history book. War does nothing but kill people. If you want to defend your foreign interest fine, but understand 2000 years ago some roman died defending his foreign interest in the same place you live now from probably your relatives, and his empire was not as "free". If you wanna kill and die fine it is your right as a human just don't pretend you are on a moral high ground because of altruism.

  • xLaurax

    See what i mean. Straight away i have proved my point that i would have been judged on my opinion merely because of my age. Is it not possible for young people to voice their opinion these days? Make no wonder that we turn out like we do when older, small-minded people just brush aside everything that we have to say.

    Yeah sure i agree with you war does bring about alot of death and destruction but lot of times the good it brings outweighs the bad. How can you say that WW2 for example was not god when it clearly removed an evil dictator that would have brought a lot more wicked to the earth.

    As for the comment about me being too young and naive all i have to say is that you don't know anything about me so you have no right to pass comment like that. People can enter the military at several stages and just because i happen to be young does not mean that my decision has not been thoroughly thought through.

    I could pass comment in a similar way and say that yo are too old and stuck in your own ways to ever listen to what anybosy else has to say. Try and empathise next time before replying.

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