"Jehovah will fix it"

by onacruse 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • onacruse

    Gawwwwwwddd, how many times did I say that, and how many times have I heard it.

    Notice how much it has to do with nebulous isues? "That elder is an unChristian jerk." Answer: "Yes, he is, but Jehovah will see to it that he gets removed." "That doctrine is wrong." Answer: "Yes, it is, but Jehovah will see to it that it's corrected." "The WTS was hypocritical about the UN, by becoming an NGO." Answer: "Yes, and Jehovah will see that they pay for it."

    How about the hard-nuts-of-real-life stuff: "I was abused by my elder-father, and am having lots of emotional issues." Answer: "Pray to Jehovah, and he'll make it better." "Gosh, I held out for Armageddon, and so I have no retirement account, and Social Security won't even pay my rent, much less my prescriptions." Answer: "Jehovah will deposit $100,000 at the foot of your bed tonight."

    Anger , on the first point, and sarcasm on the second point.

    "Jehovah will take care of it" has almost become a trigger phrase for me.

    Where in hell is Jehovah?

  • LyinEyes

    Amen Craig.....Amen!!!!!!!!!

    For all of my JW life, that was the one thing that got me thru the misery of being a JW, and all the things that I lost out on because of that religion.....that was all I had to hold on to.

    I had no idea it would be the most empty saying of all time.

    I don't know if there is really a God out there that will make up for the things we suffer while on earth,,,,,it would be nice. But since I have left JW,,,,,,, I am trying to salvage the rest of my life by doing things for myself. That is not easy to do when you depened on Jehovah to take care of every little thing. It was so easy to not fix your own problems , at least at the time it seemed easy.

    Knowing what I do now,,,,, I see it was just putting off the evitable. If I would have stayed a JW and waited for Jehovah to take care of all things,,,,, I would still be as miserable as I was then. All the soul searching, the getting to know and love myself would have never happened.

    As painful as it was to lost the "Jehovah will take care of it all" idea,,,,it was indeed freeing , and I am a stronger person for it.

    I believe that we should stand up for ourselves and make things right in our own way , as we see fit. Maybe somethings will never be "fixed", but just accepting that as the way it is going to be is living true.

    That gives me peace now.

  • Maverick

    Actually this kind of thinking lead me away from the WTS. This, "Wait on Jehovah" and sister phrases like, "Don't run ahead" and "Jehovah keeps His Organization clean" did not fit the image of the True God the WTS proclaimed. They would have you believe that in this time of the end Jehovah would take a keen and active interest in His people. This time period was suppose to be different. But it has not proved to be so. Whole generations of JW's have come and gone and the WTS gets more demanding and less loving each day. As I saw more and more of the corruption, hypocrisy and maliciousness within the WTS I felt less and less inclinded to believe a loving God was involved with them in any way. Maverick

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    50 years

    50 long years for my mother abuser to be dealt with

    40 years.

    40 long years for god to deal with my childhood abuser

    30 years

    30 long years I've been waiting for my spousal abuse to be dealt with

    Hmmmm I see a pattern here

    now what was it I was waiting for?

  • minimus

    I was just saying this same thing, Craig, this week. It's the way JWs put their blinders on so they don't have to deal with reality.

  • Scully

    minimus writes:

    It's the way JWs put their binders on so they don't have to deal with reality.

    Ain't that the truth! This Jehovah Will Fix It? and the Wait On Jehovah? mindset creates a very interesting type of procrastination, doesn't it?

    • Don't have children in this system of things, Jehovah will take care of you in your old age.
    • Don't put aside money for retirement, Jehovah will make sure your needs are looked after when you can no longer work.
    • Don't buy a house, rent instead! Jehovah will make sure you have sustenance and covering. A house will just be a drain on your time and resources.
    • Don't bother getting a college or university education. Armageddon is around the corner and your time would be better spent pioneering. If you have faith, Jehovah will make sure you will have enough to get by on.
    • Don't have that hip replacement surgery - Jehovah Will Fix It? in the New System?. Besides we need some more articles about people who are physically disabled and can still pioneer to guilt everyone into getting in more service time. You'd like to be a disabled WTS poster child featured in the Awake! wouldn't you??
    • Get your (or the kids') teeth fixed?? What for?? Jehovah Will Fix It? in the New System?. Think of how much money you'll save - those dentists are crooks anyway!! Wouldn't you rather spend that money on helping The Brothers? build a new Kingdom Hall?

    and so it is and shall always be for JWs.

    Love, Scully

  • shotgun

    Don't worry Craig...alot of us feel this way...it will pass because Jehovah fixes it...in fact he's a real Mr fixit...

    He fixed thoses nasty Dinosaurs...I heard my wife tell my girl and a couple of her little friends the other day how Jehovah had a purpose for them and then he killed them...no wonder dinosaurs always look pissed.

    C.T Russell and J.F Rutherford were nuts..don't worry Jehovah fixed their ass and let them die.

  • hillary_step


    Speaking of retirement, I cannot tell you how many JW couples in their senior years that I have met in recent years, who are being held together financially by their children.

    Couples who gave their all to the WTS, serving overseas, Pioneering, trying to raise families on the manual labor extolled by the WTS, scrimping and living on breadcrumbs from hour to hour, awaiting Armageddon. Now they are washed up on the beach of time taking handouts from their children to survive, forgotten by the WTS who are only to eager to bury them as embarrasing theological mistakes.

    Still, thanks to handouts given to them, often by their immoral Worldy children, Jehovah blesses them and takes care of them.

    Best regards - HS

  • bikerchic

    Ya know when I was a little kid I believed in god like he was my fairy god-mother or something. Well my mom always told me to pray to god and if I was good I would get what I prayed for........I prayed really hard for a bicycle, I really wanted one bad!

    My friend down the street Terri wanted a bike for her birthday, she got one! I asked her how she got it and she said she prayed really hard for one! Terri was Catholic.

    I started wanting to be Catholic. I asked my mom if Jehovah was Catholic, she said no. I told her I wanted to pray to the Catholic god, he gives kids bikes. She said I was bad. I prayed to Jehovah to be good.

    I finally got a bike! It wasn't even my birthday! I asked my mom if it was from Jehovah and she said, "no, your dad got it for you at a yard sale."

    I love my Daddy! I finally figured out if I wanted something I had better ask my Daddy for it, the chances of me getting what I asked for were much better that way. My dad has more money that god and he loves me for real! Even though sometimes I am bad.

    Written by Katy (the child within)

  • LyinEyes

    Great story Katy.......that sounds like what my hubby said when we told the kids there is no santa claus....way back. He said why am I going to give this Santa dude the credit for what I buy for my kids. After all am the one who knows my kids and loves them.. I dont want them thinking some man from the north pole cares more for them than we do...hehe. Honestly we just never wanted to lie about Santa.....but darn ,,,,,we innocently lied about alot more serious things....( all the JW doctrines).

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