Ariel on WOL sees the truth. A love story.

by SixofNine 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    Check it out:

    Ariel, sista, it's called cognitive dissonance. Read up on it, and you will see why nothing makes sense in your life. I can relate, because I used to find myself thinking about this same situation, although I was never in it. It is just one more area where the "truth" way of doing things just doesn't work for humans. You know, humans, those neighbors of yours walking around with real lives, real emotions, real emotional needs, real understanding. One other thing- real conciences of their own, unless they have handed that over to some group of three men with bad suits and worse attitudes.

    Jesus knew who your neighbors are. Isn't it time to listen Ariel?

  • expatbrit

    And boy! they sure closed that discussion down fast, didn't they!

    Back to the deep things of God, such as "what is your favourite body soap?"


  • logical

    I wish I could post on there.... Pig Ray deleted my account

    I hope she realises whats going on, that there is no unity in the org, that its all a lie, a deception.

    I cant believe the attitude of them:

    We sympathize with the plight facing all of our brothers and sisters...and that includes brothers and sisters who are currently in a "limbo" type state in their lives...
    That said, per WOL Guidelines (as follows):

    We will not allow...
    Public revealing of private judicial committee matters. We didn't ask, and you shouldn't tell.

    Public revealing of congregational matters. If it is that bad in your congregation, it does no good to make it public to us, because we cannot help you.


    With that stated, this thread is hereby close.

    They just dont give a shit about their "brothers" and "sisters". What use is a discussion board if you cant discuss things, important things like that?

  • bigboi

    Hey Six:

    It's a real shame to see how they keep ppl's minds occupied with all these arbitrary distinctions and distractions. It totally consumes thier lives and keeps them from seeing that they are merely the pawns of a publishing scam.



    "it ain't what ya do. it's how you do it" quote from the song "True Honeybunz" by Bahamadia

  • Simon

    They are only supposed to post how wonderful Gods great and loving organisation the WTS is...

    It's heartbreaking to see people being emotionally abused like this and having their lives ruined and wasted by small minded 'jobs-worths'

    Let's mount a covert operation to get an operative in there as a mod eh?

  • JT

    They are only supposed to post how wonderful Gods great and loving organisation the WTS is...
    It's heartbreaking to see people being emotionally abused like this and having their lives ruined and wasted by small minded 'jobs-worths'


    the above is the bottom line

  • nelly136

    wonder how much time they spend explaining that to potential
    converts while theyre studying, or does that come under the need to know stuff,one of my friends mum was in that situation and he was
    a mason before she was witness, he knew that as long as it couldnt be proved he was committing adultery in jdubs eyes she was destined to
    be single for a very long time, when he told her...'if I cant have you then no one else will' he had the jdubs rules to make sure that was the case

  • claudia

    Logical i bet they nipped you in the bud huh?

  • Cautious

    Agree completely with Logical

    They just dont give a shit about their "brothers" and "sisters". What use is a discussion board if you cant discuss things, important things like that?

    WOL just seems to be some sort of keep 'em happy placebo. Let them think they have a discussion board so they don't go looking for one elsewhere....somewhere they might find out the real truth.

    On the subject matter, I knew of one sister who resorted to goading her ex to admit adultery over the phone and tape it for that all important proof.

  • TR

    The elderly bro. that I first went out in field service with was "in limbo" since his wife left him when he became a JW...60 YEARS AGO!


    "Kults Suk"

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