There's a good chance I will never have children

by logansrun 34 Replies latest social family

  • avishai

    Logan, you rock.

    When I was your age, I did'nt want kids, either, not then. But, geez, everyone, he's only 27, not as if his bio-clock is exactly ticking. I had my daughter at 32, and it's everything you say it is, but also completes my life in away i never knew it was incomplete.

    One word of advice, tho? if you don't want kids, never, ever, ever trust someone, who says they are on the pill. Ever. Not that women are inherently dishonest, I just think that the subconscious bio drive is too much. 70% of the guys who got a girl preggers that I know trusted that info. The others, who I dont associate w/ are these guys who are asshole baby machines who can't be bothered to wear condoms. I applaud you for being your age, self aware, and not having kids when you know you are'nt ready. I have worked with too many damaged kids from stupid people who could'nt be bothered w/ BC.

    I wish there were more men like you in the world.

  • Mulan
    I really don't know if I will have the time or energy to have kids.

    The child would have a mother too, you know. It's not like you have to raise it alone.

    I think you are just too young, and have too much to do right now. In 10 years, you might be ready. Don't throw it all away yet.

    I can't even imagine not having my family.

  • SixofNine

    I think there is a good chance Bradley will have children after this weekend!

    six~ give 'em something to talk about class

  • joannadandy

    Sixy--you don't have to worry--I checked my biology text book, there is no way you can be pregnant. there something you're trying to tell us?

  • simplesally

    Not have a child throw up on you?

    Well, been there, done that and you know what? It was more painful for her than for fact, I told her to instead of throwing up on the carpet.

    I have to say that despite all the picking up at daycare and whiny days and the cleaning of clothes and panties, the "I love you Mommy" and "Let me tell you a secret" days are the most joyous days I will never ever be able to describe. I have such joy, such love, such a wonderful sense of belonging and indescribible joy each day..........even when she asks constantly, "why does salt make the snail die?"

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