What's was your most "embarrassing" moment as a JW ???

by run dont walk 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dan-O

    Wow ... stuff I haven't thought about in years ...

    OK. count me as another member of the poorly timed teenage woodie squad. There was an attractive young sister who always sat across the aisle from us on Sundays. I spent a lot of meetings staring at those long legs. I worried that I'd do some sort of David Banner/Incredible Hulk routine & rip through my pants.

    Most embarrassing? Had to be the Sunday when I was recovering from the flu. I felt like I was gonna hurl, so I went to the men's room instead of puking on the the head of the woman sitting in front of me. You know how it feels like every muscle in your body tightens when you barf? Yeah, well ... that also means that while stuff is getting forced out of one bodily opening, it can also get forced out of another. I can't believe I shit my pants while throwing up in the KH bathroom. I wound up tossing my underwear in the garbage (wrapped in paper towels, of course) and asked my dad to drive me home. I was very happy that he didn't make me sit thru the rest of the meeting.

  • FMZ

    Who me XJW??? I am getting drunk of course :))))))

    DanO, LT, and everyone else involved... we should start a fan club / support group for BAIT... Boners At Inappropriate Times.. lmao


  • Sassy

    The most embarrasing thing that happened to me while a JW.. I had started to date a guy who said he was a brother.........and NO I didn't check him out.. I drove to Vegas and hooked up with him..

    well one thing lead to another and we weren't exactly having a "ok, no chaperone, no sex" dating relationship..after two in person dates I actually broke up with him.. but.. he had taken pictures when we were together.. bad picture.. sex pictures.. and he had seen my picture w/my other friend who was on yahoo with a personal (asking for JW brothers).. so when I broke up with him, he got so mad at me, that he emailed the action sex pics of me to my friend..

    who emailed them to ten other friends in the JW online world................where I was well known... who emailed them all on farther..

    no clue how many of them were seen.. but I had brothers asking me about them long after the fact..

    which after the fact was flattering..

    but when they first came out........I could have died..

  • copsec

    Finding out that some compromising photos my ex husband took had ended up in the hands of a teenage brother in our Hall and passed around to ALL brothers between 15 and 40, married and un-married! ERGH!

  • dustyb
    From the age of about 15 onwards, I had a problem during the final prayer..... For some reason every time the final prayer was about halfway through, I would get an erection. I don't know if it was somehow the excitement of the meeting being over and we get to go home, or whether it was the blood finally returning to my lower regions. I dunno. Now every meeting, I would sit down until the problem would subside, then I would go outside to the car.

    i think every kid had that boner problem. but since i was "big" for a 13 year old, i didn't mind. all of the teenage sisters would look and smile, and i would nod back in acknowledgement knowing what they were thinking.

    probably my most embarassing moment was when i went to the kansas city DC, and i had heat exaustion (sp). i spent all day just puking my guts out in the hallway. i could never get to the bathroom fast enough because mom decided to pick a seat in the nosebleed section very far away from the bathrooms (anyone who's ever been to Kemper arena knows what i'm talkin about).

    back to the boners, i think all of the brothers popped boners during the sex talk because either their wives weren't too attractive, so they were thinking about the other hot sisters, or else they just didn't have any chance in the world of getting a significant other, so they stared at the sisters and popped the boner. i remember during the sex talks there was a lot of strategic bible placing and song book placing, heheheh.

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