Apostate bastards know more about bible/god history than others.

by gumby 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gumby

    How many religious people have done a critical examination on the bible/god/religion......more than an ex-dub has? The Mormons possibly.

    One only has to read some of the over 1 million posts on this board, to notice how much re-search various ones have done on these subjects AFTER leaving the dubs. Why do you suppose that is?

    Is it because they have learned to trust man through an Organisation that has taught them to do so.......and been let down? They are left in the dark as to what truth is......and so they begin the search. In this journey........they learn what most ex-religionist never learn. One thing leaving the JW religion has done for people, is it has made them examine one of the most important topics and intrests in peoples lives, and that is god/religion. Thoughts?


  • Satanus


    Yah, most average people, even if they are religious, never think deeply about bible/religion. They just go w what they grew up w, usually putting it in the closet. They don't really examine on what their beliefs are based. They just casually go through life, making the best of it. And you know what, i sometimes envy them.


  • gumby
    And you know what, i sometimes envy them.

    Do you mean you wished you were not so critical SS? I too envy these people at times. You do have to wonder that even though you discovered much truth about religion/god......if it has truely improved your life any. Once you have learned it however......you can't go back unless you lie to yourself......and that doesn't work to well.

    BTW....thanks for always supporting my lame-ass threads. I can always count on you to give your input if your here.


  • Euphemism

    Well personally, I think that I became an "apostate" because I always questioned and researched, rather than vice-versa. But yeah, even so, if I hadn't been raised a Witness and had to confront the matter of religion head-on, I might not have had such developed views on it by the age of 22. (Some would say too developed, but hey, I can't help it if I'm opinionated. )

    As to whether I envy those who go through life without questioning... no, absolutely not. Based on my experience, people who've never questioned or thought through their moral beliefs either a) lack strong morals, or b) live with guilt because the set of morals that has been handed to them never quite matches the real world.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    "The Truth will set you free"

  • Leolaia

    Not me. Bible researching became an enjoyable pursuit for me as a dub preteen; in 7th grade I was known throughout my grade as the one "writing my own Bible," actually I was writing a commentary on Genesis. Of course, at the time I believed Enoch and Noah were real people, but still it was an interest that I always find pleasant and enjoyable. I think I read the Aid book cover to cover two or three times by the end of 8th grade.

    Growing up, I didn't give the FD&S/GB authority structure much thought....it was all about Bible beliefs and loving Jehovah,only when I turned 13 or so was it really bludgeoned into me what obeisance we are supposed to do on behalf of the Society. But, having never baptised, I never made a dedication to the Organization, got tired of all the talks being about the Organization instead of God, and just went to college and left them all for good, without having bitter feelings of it all....i was just glad to be out.

  • LittleToe

    Just popping in to support Gumby's thread - you know how he whinges if he doesn't get more than a dozen replies...

    Btw, is anyone eolse starting to get irritated by the incessant combinations of "Gumby" and "summit-else"? That Valis has a lit to answer for - stalking b*st*rd!!!

    Meanwhile - define "others", in the context of the thread title. Otherwise it could be rather condescending, what, what...

    And as an additional aside:
    Do ex-JW's question the meaning of words more than the average John Smith (whilst demanding empirical statistical evidence that their definition is correct)?

  • seedy3

    My wife lays claim to being AoG, but we have been married for 10 years and I have never seenher pick up a bible as yet. Now here I am the Heritic/ahtiest/pagan and I research the bible all the time. She will not let me talk religion, even when the Mormans or Jduds come by, but I do anyway LOL. I'm just really restricted from talking religion with friends and her family when she is around.


  • FMZ

    After reading what I have about the Bible (not near as much as many people on this board I'm sure), I have come to believe that it is nothing more than a storybook now. That's as much as I need to know about it.

    BTW LittleTinkle, I agree on your annoyance at Valgina picking on Gumbastard.

  • LittleToe
    After reading what I have about the Bible (not near as much as many people on this board I'm sure), I have come to believe that it is nothing more than a storybook now. That's as much as I need to know about it.

    An interesting opinion. Each to their own, I'm sure.
    Strange how a good number of "spiritual systems" hold it in high regard. It may not be viewed as literal, by many but, as a repository of spiritual experience, it's a mine of information.

    Btw, ***************** is getting lame, too
    It's like when someone starts swearing for effect...

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