Adventures in counting time...or how to waste the entire day in service...

by TresHappy 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Larry

    Don't forget about the 'pioneer shuffle' - Two hours to walk a couple of blocks.

    Peace - LL

  • Gadget
    Mini-van full of JWs pulls up in a suburban neighborhood. Eight dubs jump out. Looks like a SWAT team jumping out ready for action. "hut-hut-hut-hut-hut-hut"


    I remember every co's visit me and Steve Borown would arrange to work together. We would meet with the group at the meeting, but deliberately arrive very late. This would allow us to not get a seat and so not automatically be included in a car group. We'd keep talking to as many people as possible, moving round the group avoiding the person dispersing territory. We would then leave with the group, them going to their territory but us going to Chester-le-Street market for a late breakfast and a wander around the stalls. Then we'd wander up to appointed place to meet for a cuppa at 11, and only had to say 'nobody was home', or ' no interest today', and everybody would accept it! We done that every co's visit for a few years.

    Mods, I know I've included the name and cong of an active jw in this, but pleae leave it in there as this persan has been causing a lot of perrsonal probs for me over the last few weeks!

  • LyinEyes

    Let's see what I did........shame on me!!!!, I had lots of ways to avoid the doors.

    Being pregant forever and always was a good one.....feet are swollen I cant get out. I have to pee. I am too big to get out of the back seat.

    Having those three kids was a good help.....they are hungry McD's, they have to pee, McD's. They are having a serious ADDH attack.

    I liked the houses that had no electric meters on one was home for sure.

    When I found no one was at home, I would just stand there as long as I could writing crap down on my not at home record. Just in case someone might move in later........yeah right.

  • Stefanie
    Having those three kids was a good help.....they are hungry McD's, they have to pee, McD's. They are having a serious ADDH attack

    Thats cute. I agree having them was a good way to get out of doing service. If one had the sniffles I would say I didnt want to get the rest of the group sick, so we would stay in and eat cereal and watch cartoons together.

  • Nadsam

    One all time sucker punch.....the Shepherding Call

    Any easy way to have beer with an apostate and count time !


    [email protected]

  • boa

    before reading the posts here, I thought to myself that I was really honest in counting time in the sense I didn't count hrs that I wasn't actually out in service, however....

    I guess I was really fooling myself because while pioneering for several yrs I employed many of the methods mentioned above to stretch time travelling, waiting around, and in counting a break if I went through the drive-thru even if I still stopped somewhere to eat or break - as if that is so much better than just going in and counting the time! sheesh

    I do have one technique that wasn't mentioned - going to the 'weak' ones for 15 minutes or so or sometimes longer while in service - a stretch of the rules but one done regularly by lotsa pioneers, bros and sisters. Also, there was a reason the pioneers just LOVED the rural witnessing where it could take an hour or more to do a few calls then have to go back.

    Another great one is all the time it took to write up a letter and organize it into envelopes and send them etc. - all counted heh heh. And damn well written by hand not photocopied - that trick got my 1000 hrs completed one year!


    counting time sucks

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Rounding off or what I use to call "leakage". 7 minutes here and 13 minutes there and before you know it I had 90 hours for the month. I would place a magazine in my apartment building and count the time walking to the subway station for the daily embarasement of standing for 2 hours like a naked cigar store indian.

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