Passion of the Christ...for kids

by Princess 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • shotgun

    My wife did not allow our daughter to Watch Brother Bear becasue of the depiction of spirits. I asked her how different the Natives were from the firct century christians who depicted spirits in various forms, evil and good.

  • Mulan
    When I am asked if I go to church, I answer with an unapologetic "no", and leave it at that.

    That reminded me of what a good male friend of mine says when people ask him that question. He is in sales, so wants to keep a common ground at all times. He says "yes, of course I do". He doesn't really, but explained to me, that when he is in a beautiful forest, or on a beach in the Caribbean, or on a mountain top, he is "in church". To him, those are spiritual experiences, and no one should dictate to you where you receive your spirituality.

    I thought it was cool.

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Well, I suppose the definition of "church" can be subjective.

    I remember when the first Harry Potter movie came out, I got an email from a JW aunt how the subject of the movie could be used as an opening to talking to people about spirits, demons, and Jehovah (or something like that). "Use it in your preaching work". Ugh!

    I'm on the board of my son's school PTA. Another board member, an evangelical christian, never misses a chance to "give testimony" about how great Jesus is to us heathen board members. It's usually a glazed eye moment for us.

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    Maybe this is the passion of the christ for kids? An animated Mamba version of the passion of the christ. enjoy.

  • Princess
    However, regarding your comments on teaching religion at home (which is kind of a given, in my estimation), would you do the same with History, Geography, Maths, etc.?

    No. I do keep an eye on what my kids are learning in school though. As regards to history, geography, etc. those really aren't open to opinion...maybe some history but for the most part they aren't interpretations. Religion is, in my opinion just an interpretation of the bible or other holy book. I certainly don't want my kids going to church to learn someone's interpretation which more than likely does not agree with mine or Steve's (well, ok Steve's...I don't believe much).

    I think children should be taught religion at home. If the parents attend church, then of course their children will be taught at the church as well. I don't think parents really give it much thought though. They just hand it all over to the youth pastors.

    BG, I totally agree with your post. That is what really gets me too, the way the churches try to get the kids and in doing so, drag the parents into it. My kids are always invited to AWANA and I will never let them go. I know lots of parents who send their kids to AWANA or Vacation Bible School but they do not attend church themselves. I think this is just wrong to pass the buck to someone else and let them teach whatever they believe to your children.

    My five year old was flipping through a bible story book the other night turning page after page saying "not true, not true, not true". I was shocked. Steve and I were just amazed at her reaction to religion. She truly has no interest or spiritual side. Rhys does, but he really analyzes what he reads. It will be interesting to see how they both develop this interest/non interest.

  • Mulan
    My five year old was flipping through a bible story book the other night turning page after page saying "not true, not true, not true".

    Okay, this I've got to see. I did't think she thought about things like that.

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