Dear Pioneer Couple:

by Atilla 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Atilla


  • Atilla

    I just found out from my parents that this couple was back in town from their missionary assignment in Grenada. I found out where they were staying and called the man up. This by far was the most rewarding thing I have done so far. I talked to the man for about half an hour, he showed no remorse for converting my parents to dubs and said that he pitied me and that I would not survive armageddon at my current rate. I'm shaking, not.

    Anyways, I asked him about retirement, what would he do when he got really old, needed a wheelchair, and he said not to worry, that he would be taken care of. Funny, how dubs prepare for their retirement in their own little way, building up a network of dubs that they converted or helped out, putting in all of their service, and then expecting help later on. Anways we covered many topics, none of which he had an answer for including what he would do 10 years from now if no Armageddon appears. We concluded the conversation by him saying that he has never had a disgruntled convert call him before in all his years of service. Well, it's about time I said and that I hold him personally responsible.

    Well, that is that and my parents will probably be very upset since they really like the pioneer couple. Funny, I think they thought I had fond memories of the pioneer couple or something.

  • 4JWY

    Atilla ~

    wow! We all do what we have to do -

    All the best to you,


  • wannaexit


    I feel your anger. If you decide to sent it I don't believe it will do any good.

    But it probably made you feel better to put your feelings down on paper.

    I have written a few letters myself. I haven't sent them anywhere. But just being able to write down my frustration really relieves the bottled anger.

    I hope that one day we can all look back on our watchtower experience and laugh.


  • Mulan

    Thanks for a great chuckle. It must have felt good.

  • Terry

    Sometimes I try to see if I can put myself in the same frame of mind I had when I was a staunch defender of the Witless New World Society for the experimental purpose of having a debate with myself! I know it sounds silly. But, that mindset is still IN THERE hiding! So, I dust it off and pump a little juice into that portion of my reptile brain and see if I can revisit those weird Kingdom feelings.

    Well! Let me tell you it is scary! Why?

    Because I have NO FEELINGS for anybody when I'm in that mindset! It is a "pretend" situation.

    It is an act; a pretense.

    Read on. I now think I know how I was able to walk around like that zombie I was all those years. The Watchtower brain implant makes you shut down your human impulses and act strictly on command. Consequently you look forward to millions of people dying at Armageddon. You think nothing of God drowning children, infants, pregnant women and innocent animals in the mythical Great Flood! It makes you defend the slaughter of the Canaanites when Joshua and his armies dashed the brain's of little children against a stone and exterminated all the livestock. Yes, such a mindset has fellowship with a Hitler or Stalin. It isn't human or humane, it is merely efficient!

    What does this have to do with the Pioneer Couple and your letter?

    Everything! You see, I wonder if Pioneers, publishers and the rank and file Witness can be made by any means to SEE the vulnerabilty and humanity of non-Witnesses? Can they ever be reached in their sociopathic and insular minds? I'd say: not possible! Because it is only by being wholly indifferent to genuine suffering that their efficient extermination program can continue. They are robotic and not flesh and blood.

    But, I advocate making the effort by all means. It is a great irony and a grand reversal. For by reaching out to them with a messege of salvation (freeing them from the org) you are doing a separating work! You allow them perhaps one last chance to rejoin the human race before age and changing doctrine renders them obsolete.

    The main thing is to show them how you really are a valuable feeling member of the same species they are. Let them observe your pain and reflect on their part in creating it. Make them give a fleeting self-evaluation as to the validity of their preaching. It is only human to try.

    Most of all you are healing yourself by standing up for yourself. When you stand up to an opressor it releases you from fear and bondage to them psychologically.

    My best friend from childhood, Johnny, is somebody I'd like to have come to his senses. He is near that point will never do it. He fears thinking for himself and admitting he's wasted his own life and destroyed his children's future. He has 5 kids and every one of them has a problem with alcohol and drugs and disfellowshipment. He is clueless about the share he has had in that!!

    I'd love to make him see what he is and what his life has become. But, it isn't easy and may never be possible. I'm not giving up though. I'd want him to do the same for me.

    Send the letter, by all means. You'll be glad you did.


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