What is Your purpose/point for being here?

by ScoobySnax 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • boa

    nothing too fancy for me - I'm exercising my freedom from jws - doing what formerly was forbidden - learning about the org in all its good and bad from outside sources. (and scooby, you are like so many dubs who don't follow the 'rules' about 'apostates' and a host of other activities which if found out, would be punished)

    there is a tremendous amount of information on this site about my former religion that I want to read about and on other beliefs I want to weigh. It was a reference to COC on this site that led me to borrow it from the library and LEARN about the real wts - i've since bought my own and several other books about the wts

    most importantly, it is the wonderful support group of all you great people in all your diversity that will keep me here for a long time (if I don't get booted first heh heh)


    (and to think I wasn't going to post to any of your threads scooby after I got p'd off on one of your other threads - sheesh. You seem to be capable of being somewhat reasonable, and this was a great thread, thanx )

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    ....after 20 years of being out ( actually, at this stage, more than half my life has been lived as a non JW)

    I continue to post here for the camaraderie. We are a unique group of people with a unique shared experience.


  • Englishman

    "What is the whole purpose of you being here?"

    "To do as you tell me, sergeant!"

    "By gum, Gump, you're a goddamn genius!"


  • happehanna

    My children want me to stop looking at this site now. They reckon I should move on.........

    but I was a JW for 40 plus years it isn't that easy.

    They think I shouldn't waste any more energy on it. Have they a point?

  • gitasatsangha
    My children want me to stop looking at this site now. They reckon I should move on.........

    People have an amazing talent and not minding their own business.

  • blondie

    I loved this film. I thought of it again because of this question.

    Oblio and the Point

    In a 1971 animated film, The Point, Harry Nilsson tells the enchanting story of Oblio, who was the first and only child born in the land of Point with a round head. All the other children and adults had points on the tops of their head.

    To help Oblio better fit in, his mother made a pointed cap for him to wear; but still, everyone knew he didn?t have a point. Nonetheless, he was well-liked by everyone ... except by the son of the evil Count.

    A popular game among the children in the land of Point was triangle toss. To play, one person tossed a triangle into the air while another person tried to catch it over the point on their head. Of course, this made it nearly impossible for round-headed Oblio to play. But everyone made a special exception to the rules for him. Oblio was allowed to carry his dog, Arrow, on his back or shoulders ... and Arrow caught the triangle for Oblio.

    Oblio Wins Triangle Toss

    One day, the evil Count?s son challenged Oblio to a game of triangle toss. As you might guess, with the help of Arrow, Oblio won the match, which made the Count?s son angry. To punish Oblio, the Count had him and Arrow banished to the Pointless Forest. Now it was well known among the people that no one from the land of Point had ever gone into the forest and returned to tell about it.

    Once in the forest, Oblio and Arrow discover that even in the Pointless Forest, everything still has a point. The trees are pointed at the top. And the leaves have points on them as well. There?s even a man who points in all directions ... but as he is quick to point out to Oblio, a ?point in every direction is the same as having no point at all.?

    Oblio Recounts His Adventures

    Oblio and Arrow continue their journey through the Pointless Forest, following signs that point the way to their destination. After following the trail for a while, the pair of adventurers find themselves back home, right where they started. When the townspeople see the two return, they crowd around them, asking what it?s like in the Pointless Forest.

    After Oblio finishes his tale of adventure, he admits that since everything in the world seems to have a point, then he should have one too. Someone from the crowd yells, ?He?s got a point there!? Whereupon the Count snatches Oblio?s hat from his head ... and surprise! ... reveals Oblio?s new point. At that moment, all the points in the land melt away ... except for the point atop the Count?s head.

    Finally, Oblio is just like everyone else.

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