We had a prophet among us...

by SixofNine 27 Replies latest social current

  • blacksheep

    We would have listened to Clark, but he's a dumbass.

    Which, btw, contributed to his demise as a presidential candidate. He had issues, which became clear when his record as a military man was actually pretty tainted. He like Kerry, seemed to be a man of many faces.

  • willyloman
    Okay..."Vietnam" said those things? Lol. Who are you QUOTING?

    Army generals and government officials issued these phrases over and over again in the late 1960's just prior to the Tet offensive in February '68 -- which took the U.S. by surprised and proved conclusively that these predictions were dead wrong.

    Anyone who lived through that time recognizes these expressions as they were frequently quoted on the nightly news. If I'd realized you were going to parse my paragraphs, I'd have used more words.

  • Crazy151drinker

    I thought Kerry said that.

    Oh my bad, he was too busy giving blow jobs to Ho Chi Minh and lying to Congress.

  • blacksheep

    Army generals and government officials issued these phrases over and over again in the late 1960's just prior to the Tet offensive in February '68 -- which took the U.S. by surprised and proved conclusively that these predictions were dead wrong.

    Still not seeing any sources, or relevance, btw.

    "Give peace a chance"


  • willyloman

    blacksheep: Sources include Gen. Westmoreland, for one.

    Asia Times - Asia's most trusted news source for the Middle East
    ... of 1967, General William Westmoreland, the commander of US forces in Vietnam, told
    the American people that he could see the "light at the end of the tunnel". ...

    Here's some more "light" reading for you...




    www.townonline.com/lexington/news/local_regional/ lex_fealmstubbssb04012004.htm

    bodyandsoul.typepad.com/blog/ 2003/10/the_light_at_th.html


    www.clickz.com/experts/archives/ebiz/ ebiz_report/article.php/818311

  • zugzwang

    To all of you who are truly honest with yourself you will have to admit that when we went into Afghanistan all of us as Americans knew it was the right thing. We were all behind Bush (except those who were ideologically opposed to him regardless of what he did). It was easy to be behind Bush because he was right. However, Bush never had the majority of the American people fully behind him when he went into Iraq. The reason? Because we as a people were smart enough to know deep down that this wasn't necessary. Afghanistan necessary, Iraq not necessary. Even though I did not want Bush to get elected in 2000 I did support his decision to take out the Taliban and Al Queda, simply because it was just and necessary. But whatever respect Bush managed to gain from me he lost by going into Iraq. I really hoped that they would find those WMD's so at least we as America would be able to retain some measure of respectability in the world. Absent of those weapons it becomes difficult to respect or trust the President. It's kind of like a bait and switch. In some ways it's similar to the Watchtower Society. When what they said was going to happen didn't materialize they simply changed the message. Bush has done the same thing. The central theme was originally WMD's, but now it's changed. If Saddam wasn't an eminent threat then I'm sorry, but I can't support the decision to go in. And the fact that thousands of persons (mostly Iraqis) have died based upon Bush's faulty and wrong decisions make it extremely difficult for me to see any way of justifying this nation electing Bush to a second term. As far as Dean is concerned he has seemed impressive at times, but like all politicians he is only human, as is Kerrey.

  • blacksheep

    Absent of those weapons it becomes difficult to respect or trust the President. It's kind of like a bait and switch. In some ways it's similar to the Watchtower Society. When what they said was going to happen didn't materialize they simply changed the message.

    What people always seem to forget is that the REST of the world ALSO believed that Sadaam was a grave threat and DID have WMD. Saddam himself led the world to believe that he did. Decisions were made based on intel at the time, and made in a post 9/11 preventative effort mode. Prior to the invasion, REAL fears about Saddams ability to circulate biological terror through anthrax and other strains within the

    It?s always easy to do armchair and after-the-fact quarterbacking.

    I recall how angered and grief-stricken Iraqis, after the discovering of mass graves of the people that Saddam murdered saying to the TV cameras: ?Where was ?? In other words, how could oppose toppling this horrific, murderous dictator. We know know that had a great deal going with Saddam in the Oil for Food Program and other programs. People have short memories, apparently.

    And the fact that thousands of persons (mostly Iraqis) have died based upon Bush's faulty and wrong decisions

    So, what do you think about the mass graves of Iraqis discovered after Saddam was defeated? What about the torture, the rape rooms, the fact that Sadaam skimmed massive amounts of money from the Oil for food program, but somehow the FOOD never made it to the Iraqi people. This man was a murderous thug who supported terrorists and terrorism. I am sorry that you do not feel toppling this murderous dictator who made overt threats to the and other nations was worth it.

    Clinton, Mr. Showman, was never brave enough to take defeating action. He was afraid of how he?d appear.

    In my mind, Kerry has all the fear of , and none of the charisma. He?s not a leader. I don?t think that?s what this nation, post and PRE 9/11, needs.

    And yes, you claim that "Kerry is only human." Well, so is Bush. A great leader makes tough decisions based on available information. They are not trying to win a popularity contest. Either at home or abroad.

  • blacksheep

    Geeze, Louise...still cant figure why this site is deleting certain words and passages. It makes my posts undecipherable.

    First, the grief stricken Iraqi's after finding the mass graves said "Where is Francex)? (x added so as not to be deleted)

    Second, my comment was the Kerry has all of the fear of CLINTONx, but non of the charisma.

    Hopefully, you can make out the rest.

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