Knicker Knonsense

by Fe2O3Girl 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fe2O3Girl

    I got a photocopied letter from a good friend today, requesting that I send a pair of (NEW) knickers to her friend, then forward six copies of the letter to my friends asking them to forward a pair of knickers to her. They then have to forward a copy of the letter to six of their friends asking them to send a pair of knickers to me.........and so on. I get 36 pairs of knickers for the price of one, arriving in two weeks time.

    According to the letter, it is NOT a chain letter as it is between friends, and just for fun. Obviously if it says it isn't a chain letter then it isn't one , but it is a pyramid scheme.

    Assuming I had six friends that my friend hasn't contacted to send the letter to (I don't), and all my friends could send the letter to six people who have not already received it, every woman in the UK would have had a demand for a pair of knickers within 10 forwarding cycles. If we go international, every woman in the world would have had a demand within 12 cycles. As not every woman in the world lives near a Marks and Sparks, there has to be a flaw there somewhere.

    I have sent her a nice card explaining that I won't be joining in...............

  • Englishman

    Glad you highlighted the "NEW"!


  • Maverick

    I wonder why anyone would wear someone elses under garments? I hope they specified, "brand new" and not "kinda new" with regard to these panties? And do they have a, "one size fits all"? Maverick who is glad he is not a postal worker!

  • Sirona

    This reminds me of when I was approached with the stupid money scheme "you give a woman £3,000 and then you'll get £46000 back"

    Needless to say I told them to sod off.

    but Knickers? ?

    I know! Lets start a cyber Knicker exchange. This is my contribution:

  • Fe2O3Girl

    It did specify Brand New with shop tag still attached, and the preferred style and size of the recipient was included.

    I was more bothered about being sent a pyramid scheme chain letter, even more annoying than chain e-mails that promise doom if not forwarded on to umpteen people (all deleted by me). Even if I subscribe to the idea of pestering my friends to get something for nothing, IT CAN'T WORK.

    Of course, it does provide some income for the Post Office.

    Nice bottom Sirona......maybe I could barter some of my bras, someone might find them very useful for carrying small children around in or bringing sacks of spuds home from the shop, or as an emergency shelter.

  • xjw_b12

    My contribution:

  • Sirona


    Nice bottom Sirona......maybe I could barter some of my bras, someone might find them very useful for carrying small children around in or bringing sacks of spuds home from the shop, or as an emergency shelter.


    xjw - that woman has the wierdest left arm I've ever seen! Nice knickers tho.


  • Sunnygal41

    Mav, you really should pay attention to details...........her post said NEW! However, your other comment was one I wondered would you know what size to send?


  • Dan-O

    Hmmmm ... wonder how I could re-engineer this campaign to involve "nearly new" panties ...

  • Sassy

    tee hee... well it can say it isn't a chain letter.. but when it has all the makings of one IT STILL IS..

    does it look, feel and smell like a duck?? it is a DUCK..

    however.. I sure would like some of those thongs for my collection.. can we get one started and make sure mine is at the top so I can get some good ones?

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