Confused JW sends email to me -- response suggestions?

by Quotes 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby
    I just want to know if the society would consider printing tracts
    featuring different problems young people experience.
    I find that we really have adapt present tract material to the needs of
    the many thousands of young people we meet on the street or from house
    to house.

    Tell him god wrote the bible for young ones too and god doesn't need a tract to give them. could suggest a tract on the horrible dangers of masterbation and how you will lose eternal life if you spank your wanker too much.


  • DevonMcBride
    It appears this poor guy did not read enough of the quotes on your site to get the picture. Rather than burst his bubble why not suggest HE do a little research using WT quotes on your site and put together something he would like to see published. Maybe that way he will have his eyes opened on his own.

    I like this suggestion.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Perhaps you could suggest the recent advice about not burning incense - surely it'd be a hit with the young gangster set to see the light getting brighter.

  • akhessa

    Giving these young people a tract that will "enlighten" them is like giving a hungry person a list of places where he can buy food for which he has no money. Tell him the best thing he can do is show them a genuine compassionate smile - not one of those "used car salesmen" smiles which JW's are used to put on - but a smile that comes straight from the heart. This genuine smile will make more of an impact than any tract, talk or bible quotations. And, by the same token, it will teach this fellow to learn what "being genuine" and "loving" means; he himself will learn to be in touch with his own (true) feelings and how to reach others with them rather than relying on a piece of paper printed by a heartless organization.

  • Phil

    Well, quotes, it apears that there are not too many xJWs who can help you. I agree with most that you could supply a little more background. Perhaps you could start by getting more information then ask for the help. I am not a JW so I really do not qualify as an expert in the cult.

    If I knew my daughters email address perhaps she could help him. She seems to be in this thing up to her pretty eyeballs and drowning.

  • Dan-O

    Why not pull something together out of the bogus WT covers on this site & e-mail him an "advance copy" of something the WTS is "working on right now, as our latest batch of timely spiritual vittles".

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    You come to an XJW site and ask for suggestions on how to make improvements to a Watchtower "tract", to another JW? You're kiddin' right?

  • Lehaa

    why don't you find others in the congregation, of just others who have the same problem, there will be a lot, you have to just ask. I found the best was was to be honest. Not that any of the young kids that i studied with ever came into the truth, but they are all happy and are in great fulfilling honest relationships.

  • detective

    I think you should just explain that you've discussed it with Jehovah and he doesn't see the need for an article on gangsterism at the moment. You could just explain that that sort of article just doesn't have the "readability" that Jehovah likes in his articles. Tell him you'll run it past Jesus, though, just to be sure.

    (Or, alternatively, you could do as just2laws suggested. That might be better!)

  • Nosferatu

    One or many tracts aren't going to cover the multitude of problems that exist with today's youth. The Watchtower Society isn't interested in solving problems among youths, it's interested in keeping the youth in the congregation. The book "Learn from the Great Teacher" is an excellent example. You may want to direct him to the chapter on "How to be a Slave". This chapter doesn't help build any confidence in the child. It keeps them at a subhuman level. When the child is old enough to do things on his own, he's going to have problems because he has never taken charge of his own life. He's been taught to do as he's told.

    If the Watchtower Society was truly interested in helping children, they would publish a book made entirely up of experiences for a child to relate to, not ask a question and then give them the answer "Put your trust in Jehovah". That doesn't solve anything.

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