Suppose God is....

by Larry 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Larry

    Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, in Look Magazine said "But suppose God is Black. What if we go to Heaven and we all our lives have treated the Negro as an inferior and we look up and he is not white? What then is our response?" - There was no answer, only silence.""

    My hypothetical question is - Suppose God is Black, and suppose all the biblical men of old (Moses, Job, Abraham, Jesus, etc.) were portrayed as Black, would that change our perception of Christianity?

    Of course I've heard all of my life that it doesn't make a difference, but is that so? I wonder if the face or color of Christianity were non European from the start to the present, if it would make a difference in our perception of Christianity?

    Peace - Larry

  • Dan-O

    Even as a child, I thought that many publications' portrayal of Jesus and his disciples as blue-eyed, fair skinned guys was laughable. Seems like everyone I met who was of Middle Eastern origin was a lot darker ... not black, per se, but certainly olive skin & dark eyes.

  • confusedjw

    Yes, of course it would change everything. Black people would be burning crosses on white people's lawns wearing black robes.

  • English Patient
    English Patient

    Good point.

    Do you think that black people have the intellectual capabilities to perform such acts?

    Please note, no element of racism intended.

  • Sentinel

    Good point here.

    I think we humans have pretty much skewed just about everything about anything.

    Therefore, nothing would surprise me.


  • Larry

    English - Are you kidding with this question?

    Do you think that black people have the intellectual capabilities to perform such acts?

    If not - then performing what acts? And, if not, do you realize what you are asking?

    Good point Confused - You echo my thoughts, but it's more than a color issue. It's also a power & economical issue - If Blacks had the power than we probably would find some scapegoat (not necessarily white people) to blame all of societies ills. Having a scapegoat works wonders for capitalism. In fact, if you couldn't exploit anyone capitalism would fail.

    Peace & Security - LL

  • English Patient
    English Patient

    Well no, not really.

    If we are to imagine God as a black person, as well as Jesus and the apostles, even the prophets, then shouldn't we examine their credentials?

    When we study history, do we view blacks as an influencial, intelligent race? One that has suceeded in giving the world anything worthwhile?

    I have absolutely nothing against blacks, but we do well to consider these questions with an open mind, and not ready to point the finger of racism. Maybe the races are not similar and in some fields blacks are a lot more superior than whites? But thats for another discussion.

  • Valis

    BTW, this is a stupid thread. If a perfect god had black skin it wouldn't make a lick of difference...unless of course my submission is correct and the licks would make all the difference.


    District Overbeer

  • Tuesday

    What if God were mean he's not... how else could the only music played on MTV be Hip-Hop? Who knows anyway, afterall history is written by the winners, seriously imagine if paganism had won out over christianity, women would be equal, we'd all have fun at gatherings and it would be important to get drunk once a month!

  • Larry

    Wow English - I'm going to definitely save that reply b/c I thought we were in the age of enlightenment, but I see that ignorance still reigns for some. I can't really blame you b/c I was in the 'dark' myself until I was in my 30's. Your reply is a perfect example of how far we have to go in the race relations in America.

    I don't know where to begin? Maybe Egypt?

    How about these few global contributions by Africans since the beginning of time: Civilization, Medicine, Alphabet, Chess, Paper, Laws, Religion, Astronomy, etc.

    If you are incline to educate yourself, you might trying reading some of these books by Ivan Van Sertima:

    Blacks in Science: Ancient and Modern

    African Presence in Early Europe

    They Came before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America

    Golden Age of the Moor.


    Black Inventors (American Profiles) by Nathan Aaseng

    Stolen Legacy by George G. M. James

    or you might want to look at these web sites:

    English - This is just the tip of the iceberg, but time and space won't allow me to continue (at least not at this point)

    Valis - If god has black skin (I don't believe god has any human characteristic) it would make a difference in perception, b/c I doubt you would have a Caucasian race bowing down to a Black god (although if you were to look at the very old statues and painting in the Vatican and other places of antiquity you would see a black Madonna, and Jesus ( I can't imagine any white racist group of people worshipping a Black deity. Hell, just decades ago Blacks and Whites were not able to be in the same building together.

    I didn't expect the thread to go in the direction of ignorance, I thought we escaped most of that when we left the BORG.

    Peace - LL :-/

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