The memorial was tonight.... but I didn't go.

by English Patient 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • mineralogist

    For me it was the first i did not attend. And guess what? I don't even feel bad about it. So i think, yes, it's a wise decision

  • wednesday

    wrong thread, sorry.

  • minimus

    Wow! I'm so out of it, I thought it was tomorrow.

  • shamus

    LOL at minimouse.

    I don't care that it's tonight, tomorrow, wheverer.

    I went to a haunted house last night... where a guy did himself and his family in in the 40's, and the house is still standing. That was my memorial.

  • shamus

    LOL at minimouse.

    I don't care that it's tonight, tomorrow, wheverer.

    I went to a haunted house last night... where a guy did himself and his family in in the 40's, and the house is still standing. That was my memorial.

  • shamus
  • Latte

    Welcome English Patient!

    Wise move? certainly did!

    Look forward to hearing more from you.... now that you've gone and registered...

    There are some wonderful people who post on this board, so I hope that you stick around!

  • English Patient
    English Patient

    And so many fellow English I see!

    Thank you for the welcomes.

  • Celtic

    Good morning young man!!

    Wise move? Who am I to say?

    Hello and welcome to the board, good to see you here.

    Celtic Mark

  • seeitallclearlynow

    I want to join all the others in extending a very big welcome to the forum, English Patient! And when you're ready, maybe you can tell us a little about your story. Or not! Whatever you feel like.

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