Good Things Do Happen!

by Undecided 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    I went to my mail box to get the mail. Usually I just get advertisements and bills. Today was a surprise, I got three checks from a laboratory that had processed some blood test for my physical several months ago. I didn't have insurance then and I had paid $575 dollars to them. I got a refund of the full amount, no explaination. Now I can have the drivers side window fixed so it will work and pay off my gasoline bill. What a good day!

    Ken P.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Wonderful! I wish my docs and labs would start refunding money. I'd have over $100, 000.

    My good luck today. I woke up. Then every light I hit on the way to work was green but the last one. It was red but there were no cars coming so I didn't even have to make a complete stop.

    My son is cooking me baked salmon for dinner.


  • Eyebrow2


    It is nice when things work for us, as opposed to against us, ain't it?

  • Schizm
    I went to my mail box to get the mail. Usually I just get advertisements and bills. Today was a surprise, I got three checks from a laboratory that had processed some blood test for my physical several months ago. I didn't have insurance then and I had paid $575 dollars to them. I got a refund of the full amount, no explaination.

    Ole Robert Tilton has surely put his spell on ya, I tell ya.--Schizm.

    "Somebody is going to their mailbox ... YES! ... And to their great surprise, they find 3 unexpected checks!!!"

    "Yoweeeeee.....I think I feel another one coming on ....... "

    "Oops, false alarm."

    "If ya wanna have money you gotta givva me your money!!!"


  • Corvin

    Yayyyyyy! That IS a good day!

    and LOL @ schizzzzzz!

  • Undecided


    Very funny.

    I had paid them in three installments and they refunded with three checks in the same envelope, each with the same amount of my checks.

    Ken P.

  • xjw_b12

    Un That was a pleasant surprise. It is a full moon, and the gods have smiled upon you. So save a few bucks for lottery tickets.

  • Sentinel

    Wow, Ken, what a bonus day you had! Makes the bad times worth it, doesn't it? I often say that I should keep a personal journal as to these types of events, because it seems to me that it's so easy to forget these "special gifts" when they occur. As humans, we tend to dwell on the negative. I do that myself.

    Obviously, you really needed that money to come back to you! Someone is looking out for you my friend.


    PS This is the first time in years that we actually are getting a substantial tax refund. We always end of having to pay. We couldn't believe what a great feeling it was, to check the "refund" line!!

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