Proof at last WTBTS makes you sick !!!

by Nadsam 8 Replies latest social humour

  • Nadsam

    Date : Nisan 10, 2004

    Location : South Africa

    Test : Does the WTBTS make you sick

    Test Subject : Nadsam (see profile)


    Test 1(a) : Siting on KH type chair paging through Watchtowers & Awakes February 2004 through to April 2004......pulse 126, Blood pressure 190/110.

    Test 1(b) : Lying on Sofa paging through Hustlers February 2004 through to April 2004....pulse 72, Blood pressure 120/80.


    Test 2(a) : Refusing to drink wine and eat Crackers at party eating fish pastries instead...vomitting .

    Test 2(b) : Drinking red wine and crackers at party....perfect nights rest and stomach feeling better.


    Test 3 (a) : Dialing KH number by mistake...depression followed by rage followed by suicide watch.

    Test 3 (b) : Dialing XXX number by mistake....excitement, followed by laughter and feeling cheerful.


    Finally conclusive proof that exposure to WTBTS material, philosophy at home or at KH's can make you depressed, angry, suicidal, near to stroke and make you vomit !

    This fact based test brought to you by...

    Nadsam, your friendly neighborhood APOSTATE.

  • somebodylovesme
  • DevonMcBride

    Good one.


  • 4JWY

    The Russian government believes you that the WTBTS makes you sick!.

    Check the latest at

    ( the post from 3/30: Church Hails JW Ban in Moscow)

  • Faraon


    I think that the link you gave us is incorrect. I did not get anything from it, but I think that the correct link you refer to is,5744,9140483%255E1702,00.html

  • 4JWY


    You are correct, thank you. I'm not proficient on the computer yet and I thought that was how it could be pulled up. Gotta learn to do all the things I see others do here. BTW - cross reference the JW's Banned in Russia thread where another so kindly posted it too on my behalf.


  • itsallgoodnow

    high blood pressure, I believe that! I suggest sending a few posts on JWD after each exposure to the WTBTS, which has been proven to bring blood pressure back down to normal.

  • iiz2cool

    You're definitely right about the blood pressure. I have a BP monitor at home, and sometimes my reading was 155/115 when I came home from the meetings. Now that I left the cult it's normal, and my doctor took me off the blood pressure medication.


  • Faraon


    BTW - cross reference the JW's Banned in Russia thread where another so kindly posted it too on my behalf.

    I don't think it's in all of Russia. I think this only applies to the city of Moscow.


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